Class DestinationOptions.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static final class DestinationOptions.Builder extends Object
Used for setting up new DestinationOptions instances.
  • Method Details

    • parameter

      @Nonnull public DestinationOptions.Builder parameter(@Nonnull String key, @Nullable Object value)
      Sets a configuration parameter. If the parameter already exists it will be overwritten with the newly provided value.
      key - Name of the configuration parameter to set.
      value - Value to assign to the configuration parameter.
      The same builder that called this method.
    • parameterIfAbsent

      @Nonnull public DestinationOptions.Builder parameterIfAbsent(@Nonnull String key, @Nullable Object value)
      Sets a configuration parameter. If the parameter already exists it will be not be overwritten.
      key - Name of the configuration parameter to set.
      value - Value to assign to the configuration parameter.
      The same builder that called this method.
    • augmentBuilder

      @Nonnull public DestinationOptions.Builder augmentBuilder(@Nonnull DestinationOptionsAugmenter augmenter)
      Use another class that implements DestinationOptionsAugmenter to set configuration parameters that are specific to a platform/environment/etc. Once called, any parameter setting methods of the augmenter class will affect this builder and the resulting DestinationOptions object.
      augmenter - An instance of an augmenter class that provides specialized parameter setting
      The augmenter class instance, which is now aware of this builder.
    • build

      @Nonnull public DestinationOptions build()
      Creates an immutable instance of {@link DestinationOptions) with whatever parameters have been set through the builder and any augmenters attached to it.
      An immutable instance of {@link DestinationOptions).