Type of the entity or complex type field this field belongs to.
Creates an instance of FieldBuilder
Entity or complex type field, for which the field builder shall create fields.
Build a field for a property with a collection type. The type of the field can either be an EDM type or a complex type. Fields of entities are selectable; fields of complex types are not selectable.
Name of the field.
Type of the collection. Can either be an EDM type or complex type (not complex type field).
Whether the field is nullable.
A collection field with the given collection type.
Build a field for a property with a complex type. Fields of entities are selectable; fields of complex types are not selectable.
Name of the field.
Constructor of the complex type field.
Whether the field is nullable.
A complex type field of the given type.
Build a field for a property with a enum type.
Name of the field.
Enum type of this field.
Whether the field is nullable.
A collection field with the given collection type.
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Field builder to orchestrate the creation of the different kinds of fields.