
This module provides a color palette and a new font family SAP 72 that conform to Fiori Design Language. It is adopted by all the Fiori components in both this package and SAPFiori.

All Fiori Colors are dynamic colors, which means they will adjust based on iOS Appearance settings (Light/Dark). Accessing Fiori Color using Color.preferredFioriColor(forStyle:).

72 is a SAP patent typeface that delivers great reading experience to our users. You can get these fonts using Font.fiori(forTextStyle:) or Font.fioriCondensed(forTextStyle:). Note that these fonts support Dynamic Type out of the box. If you want the fonts with fixed size, use Font.fiori(fixedSize:) or Font.fioriCondensed(fixedSize:) instead.

Custom fonts need to be loaded and registered during App’s runtime. Make sure you call Font.registerFioriFonts() inside application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) of your AppDelegate.

Color Palette Customization

The cases of the ColorStyle enum correspond to the colors of the Fiori for iOS Design Guidelines palette.

Any FioriSwiftUICore or FioriCharts views will request a color for a given color style through calling an extension method



You can override the global constants used for the ColorStyle case

  • programmatically
  • through a style sheet


Use one of the following methods:

  • ThemeManager.setColor(_:for:variant:)
  • ThemeManager.setHexColor(_:for:variant:)


ThemeManager.shared.setColor(.mint, for: .primaryLabel)

Style Sheet

Add global color definitions to the top of your style sheet file, using the following pattern: a leading @ symbol, then the variable key followed by : and the variable value and finally end the line with ; .


@tintColor: blue;                              /* equivalent to @tintColor_lightBackground */
@tintColor_darkBackground: "12171CFF";
@tintColorTapState_lightBackground: "F5F6F7FF";    /* equivalent to @tintColorTapState */
@tintColorTapState_darkBackground : purple;

The strings used as the variable name should match the string values of the ColorStyle enums, and optionally append _lightBackground or _darkBackground, to specialize the background parameter passed to the static Color.preferredColor(_:background:interface:display:) invocation.

Global color definitions in the style sheet file modify their corresponding attributes. All other color definitions for which an override is not provided retain their original values.

As per the Fiori guidelines, when the background is not explicitly specified it defaults to the light background. For example, the global constants, tintColor and tintColor_lightBackground are equivalent. Similarly, primary1 and primary1_lightBackground are equivalent.

When overriding global constants in the style sheet file, if two equivalent constants are overridden, then the order of precedence is as shown below, where will be used for all invocations of Color.preferredColor(.tintColor) or Color.preferredColor(.tintColor, background: .lightBackground) :

@tintColor_lightBackground: red; /* This takes precedence over tintColor */
@tintColor: blue;
@tintColorDark: green;

tintColor and tintColor_lightBackground also have another equivalent constant : tintColorDark. This has the last precedence. The dark background variant of it is tintColorLight, that is, tintColorLight and tintColor_darkBackground are equivalent. Similarly tintColorTapStateDark is equivalent to tintColorTapState and tintColorTapState_lightBackground whereas tintColorTapStateLight and tintColorTapState_darkBackground are equivalent.

try? StyleSheetSettings.loadStylesheetByString(content: "@tintColor: blue;")

// or load a style sheet from a local file with StyleSheetSettings.loadStylesheetByURL(url:)