Disabling Standard Routes (DRAFT)

Disabling Spartacus’s Angular Route

Standard Angular routes of Spartacus (for example, the Product Details Page) can be disabled by config, which can be useful, for example, when you want to provide custom routes instead.

  routing: {
    routes: {
      product: {
        disabled: true,
        paths: /* ... */

Then the configuration of paths will be used only to generate router links.

You can also disable by config generating router links for a specific page. For example:

  • set null for this route’s name; or
  • set null or [] for route’s paths
    routing: {
        routes: {
            product: null,
              product: { paths: null }
              product: { paths: [] }

Then the standard Spartacus’ route won’t be matched and configurable router links to this page will output /.