Anonymous Consent (DRAFT)

Note: This feature is introduced with version 1.3 of the Spartacus libraries.


Anonymous Consent Management gives anonymous users control over the tracking of their data. Anonymous users can grant or decline their consent for applications that collect and process personal data. For more, refer to the Anonymous Consent Management on SAP Help Portal


Back End Requirements

As anonymous consent uses a custom header x-anonymous-consents, this needs to be configured on the back end by adding it to the following properties:

  • corsfilter.ycommercewebservices.allowedHeaders
  • corsfilter.ycommercewebservices.exposedHeaders
  • corsfilter.assistedservicewebservices.allowedHeaders - if ASM is being used
  • corsfilter.assistedservicewebservices.exposedHeaders - if ASM is being used

Besides having consent defined on the back end, they need to be marked as exposed, which can be done by executing an impex file similar to this:


INSERT_UPDATE ConsentTemplate;id[unique=true];name;description;version[unique=true];baseSite(uid)[unique=true,default=$siteUid];exposed
;PERSONALIZATION;"I approve to this sample PERSONALIZATION consent";"This is a sample personalization consent description that will need to be updated or replaced.";0;;true
;MARKETING_NEWSLETTER;"I approve to this sample MARKETING consent";"This is a sample marketing consent description that will need to be updated or replaced, based on the valid registration consent required.";0;;true
;STORE_USER_INFORMATION;"I approve to this sample STORE USER INFORMATION consent";"This is a sample store user information consent description that will need to be updated or replaced.";0;;true

Notice that the last column named exposed is set to true for the consents that should be exposed to the anonymous users.

CMS Components

The anonymous consent banner, and the link in the footer that opens the anonymous consent dialog, are driven by CMS. To have these CMS components, an ImpEx similar to this can be used:


INSERT_UPDATE CMSFlexComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;flexType;&componentRef;restrictions(uid,$contentCV)
;;AnonymousConsentManagementBannerComponent;Anonymous Consent Management Banner Component;AnonymousConsentManagementBannerComponent;AnonymousConsentManagementBannerComponent;anonymousUserRestriction
;;AnonymousConsentOpenDialogComponent;Anonymous Consent Open Dialog Component;AnonymousConsentOpenDialogComponent;AnonymousConsentOpenDialogComponent;anonymousUserRestriction

Having these CMS components alone is not enough to enable the whole anonymous consent feature. Please see Enabling Anonymous Consent section.

Previously, the footer-navigation.component.html was tightly coupled with the footer notice message, which is now a CMSParagraphComponent that should also be added like this:


INSERT_UPDATE CMSParagraphComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];name;&componentRef;
;;NoticeTextParagraph;Notice Text Paragraph;NoticeTextParagraph;

UPDATE ContentSlot;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];cmsComponents(uid, $contentCV)

Along with the NoticeTextParagraph CMS component you should also update the localized properties files with a sample text such as this example:

CMSParagraphComponent.NoticeTextParagraph.content="<div class=""cx-notice"">Copyright © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.</div>"

After changing the *.properties files, don’t forget to run ant build and the ant initialize commands.

Warning: to preserve backwards compatibility, the notice will still be displayed if the Anonymous Consent feature is disabled. However, if you add the CMS NoticeTextParagraph component (and have the Anonymous Consent feature disabled), you will see duplicated notice, like shown on the screen shot below:

duplicated notice

In this case, you can either enable Anonymous Consent feature or remove the NoticeTextParagraph CMS component.

To enable anonymous consent in Spartacus, you need to enable the anonymousConsents feature in your app.module.ts, i.e.:

features: {
  anonymousConsents: true,

Spartacus offers some configuration options that are encapsulated in anonymousConsents configuration object. The following options are available:

  • registerConsent - specify a consent template ID that should be rendered on the registration page. By default, MARKETING_NEWSLETTER is being rendered.
  • showLegalDescriptionInDialog - set to false if the legal description shouldn’t be visible on the anonymous consents dialog. By default, this has true value.
  • requiredConsents - specify an array of consent template IDs that are going to be required for the end users. These consents are given by default, and users can’t toggle them. By default, this array is empty.
  • consentManagementPage.showAnonymousConsents - specify whether to show anonymous consents on the registered consent management page. By default, this is set to true, and setting it to false will hide all consents from consents management page that have exposed property set to true. In case you don’t want to hide all anonymous consents from the consents management page, refer to consentManagementPage.hideConsents below.
  • consentManagementPage.hideConsents - an array of consent template IDs that should be hidden on the consents management page. By default, this array is empty, and adding consent template IDs to it will hide them from the consents management page.

Changing UI Labels

In order to customize any UI message on the banner or in the dialog, you can refer to our i18n guide on how to override the existing translation keys.

No special extensibility is available for this feature.

Known Limitations

Any user who registers is considered a new user. A user who logs in during the same session will have their anonymous consents transferred to registered consents. To no longer be considered a new user, the user then needs to refresh the page or close the page to end the current session.

More information on the progress of this limitation can be found in our Spartacus GitHub Issues.