Additional Route Parameters (DRAFT)

Additional route parameters can be configured to make the URL more specific, which can be useful for SEO.

    routing: {
        routes: {
            product: { 
                paths: [
                    // :productCode is an obligatory param, as it's present in default url
                    // :productName is a new param

Then additional params are also needed in { cxRoute: <route> } (otherwise path cannot be generated). Examples:

{ cxRoute: <route> } also needs the new productName param:

<a [routerLink]="{ cxRoute: 'product', params: { productName: 'ABC', productCode: 1234 } } | cxUrl"></a>


<a [routerLink]="['/', 1234, 'custom', 'product-path', 'ABC']"></a>