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Creating Website Samples

The website app is developed in its own package packages/website. Components features or states are demonstrated via samples meant for consumers. The samples are placed in the /packages/website/docs/_samples folder.

For example: The Button samples can be found in the /packages/website/docs/_samples/main/Button folder.

Run the Website​

Runs project build + website start

yarn start:website

However, in most cases you have the project built, so faster would be to just start the website:

cd packages/website
yarn start

Note: In case of issues with the second flow, most likely you need yarn build in the root.

Create New Sample​

A regular component sample consists of a folder + 3 files ({sample_name}.md, main.js and sample.html) that you need to create. Let's go trough every one of them:

The main.js file​

In the main.js file, we import the components and assets (icons, illustration) required by the sample.

For example:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Button.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/edit.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/account.js";

The sample.html file​

In the sample.html file, we use the web components as in regular HTML page

For example:

<!-- playground-fold -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<body style="background-color: var(--sapBackgroundColor)">
<!-- playground-fold-end -->

<ui5-button icon="sap-icon://edit" design="Default" tooltip="Edit Button"></ui5-button>
<ui5-button icon="sap-icon://account" design="Transparent" tooltip="Account Button"></ui5-button>
<!-- playground-fold -->
<script type="module" src="main.js"></script>

<!-- playground-fold-end -->

Note: The playground-fold comments will fold this part of the code to highlight the important part - the components usage.

The {sample_name}.md file​

In the .md file we instantiate the Editor component (file editor + preview) that will display your sample and show the code behind it.

For example:

import html from '!!raw-loader!./sample.html';
import js from '!!raw-loader!./main.js';

<Editor html={html} js={js} />

Show the Sample​

In the previous step we have created our sample. Now it's time to show and document it.

  • Open the packages/website/docs/_components_pages folder

  • Find your component's .mdx file.

For example: packages/website/docs/_components_pages/main/Button.mdx

  • Import the newly created sample

For example:

import MyNewSample from "../../_samples/main/Button/MyNewSample/";`
  • Instantiate the sample and add title + description

For example:

### My New Sample
The Button supports several designs to indicate the priority or the nature of the action.

<MyNewSample />

Note: Changes in the sample files (.md, .html, .js) are detected and the server reloads. However, changes in the .mdx file are not watched - restart of the server is needed.


Sample Name​

  • The sample name and the folder that includes the sample files should match the .md file name (Button/IconOnly/

  • Regarding the naming, it's best to consult with KM and use existing ones as reference.

Sample Title and Description​

The title ("My New Sample") and the description ("The Button..") will be displayed on top of the sample itself. Adding title and description is recommended - they help viewers better understand what they are looking at.

Sample Order​

Add new samples in the "More Samples" section where it best fits among the existing samples.

The "Basic" Sample​

All components have sample, called "Basic" and it's used as the first sample, displayed right-after the component's overview. Don't use "Basic" for other samples.