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To learn about Content Security Policy (CSP), click here.

Read this section if your site needs to be CSP-compliant. This article focuses on styles compliance.

import { setUseLinks, setPackageCSSRoot } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js";

These functions affect the way the UI5 Web Components framework manages CSS. This is important if you are aiming for CSP-compliance, since in order to be CSP-compliant, in the most general case, a site cannot use <style> tags.


The UI5 Web Components framework can leverage CSS (for shadow roots and the <head>) in 3 ways: with Constructable StyleSheets (document.adoptedStyleSheets) for the browsers that support them, with <style> tags, and with <link> tags.

Way to use CSSSupported byCSP CompliantExtra setup required
Constructable Stylesheets (default for Chrome/Edge)Chrome / EdgeYesNo
<style> (default for Firefox/Safari)allNoNo
<link> (optional for all browsers)allYesYes (CSS files must be statically served)

In summary, Constructable Stylesheets are both CSP-compliant and require no extra work on your part. Therefore, browsers that can use them (Chrome, Edge) are CSP-compliant out of the box. Firefox and Safari, on the other hand, use <style> tags by default, for both the shadow roots of web components, and in the HTML document's head, and are therefore not CSP-compliant by default.

Turning on CSP Compliance for Firefox and Safari​

To make UI5 Web Components CSP-compliant also on Firefox and Safari, you need to copy the CSS resources for all relevant UI5 Web Components packages to where you can serve them, and use the setUseLinks and setPackageCSSRoot functions.


  1. First, copy the CSS files for all relevant packages to a directory that can be served, in this example, public/css/:
cp -r node_modules/@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/css/ public/css/base/
cp -r node_modules/@ui5/webcomponents-theming/dist/css/ public/css/theming/
cp -r node_modules/@ui5/webcomponents/dist/css/ public/css/main/
cp -r node_modules/@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/css/ public/css/fiori/

Note: make these commands part of your build task, if your app needs to be CSP-compliant on all browsers.

You will always need the CSS resources of the framework-level packages (@ui5/webcomponents-base and @ui5/webcomponents-theming), and additionally the ones of all components packages your app is going to use (such as @ui5/webcomponents and @ui5/webcomponents-fiori).

By convention, the CSS files are found in the dist/css/ directory for each package that ships CSS resources.

  1. Call the 2 functions, described above, as follows:
import { setPackageCSSRoot, setUseLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js";

setUseLinks(!document.adoptedStyleSheets); // or "true", to force all browsers to use links
setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents-base", "public/css/base/");
setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents-theming", "public/css/theming/");
setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents", "public/css/main/");
setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents-fiori", "public/css/fiori/");

Calling setUseLinks with !document.adoptedStyleSheets as its argument is an easy way to tell the framework to use <link> tags only for the browsers that don't support Constructable Stylesheets. However, you can call setUseLinks(true) to make all browsers consume CSS from <link>s, if you prefer so.

Then, for each package, call setPackageCSSRoot and pass the directory, from which the CSS files will be served. You can pass relative paths to your HTML page, as in the example above, or fully qualified paths, for example:

setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents-base", "");
setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents-theming", "");
setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents", "");
setPackageCSSRoot("@ui5/webcomponents-fiori", "");

It's simpler to just use relative paths, if your app is going to have one index.html file, and you can conveniently point to a directory, relative to it. However, in case components will be used in different pages across your site, or you are using URL re-writing, it would be safest to use fully qualified paths.

By default, when using <link>s, they are preloaded in the browser's <head> (even the ones for shadow roots) in order to avoid flashing of un-styled content. These preloads have the form: <link rel="preload" as="style" ...>.

If, for any reason, you want to opt out of these preloads, you can do so by calling the setPreloadLinks function:

import { setPreloadLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js";


By default, the UI5 Web Components framework manages CSS resources either with Constructable Stylesheets, or with <style> tags. Since Constructable Stylesheets are CSP-compliant, UI5 Web Components is CSP-compliant on browsers that support them (Chrome, Edge) out of the box. For the other browsers (Firefox, Safari), in order to achieve CSP-compliance, you must instruct the framework to use <link> instead of <style> tags, but then you must also copy the CSS resources to a directory you can serve them from.