📄️ AvatarColorScheme
Different types of AvatarColorScheme.
📄️ AvatarGroupType
Different types of AvatarGroupType.
📄️ AvatarShape
Different types of AvatarShape.
📄️ AvatarSize
Different types of AvatarSize.
📄️ BackgroundDesign
Defines background designs.
📄️ BadgeDesign
Defines badge design types.
📄️ BorderDesign
Defines border designs.
📄️ BreadcrumbsDesign
Different Breadcrumbs designs.
📄️ BreadcrumbsSeparatorStyle
Different Breadcrumbs separator styles.
📄️ BusyIndicatorSize
Different BusyIndicator sizes.
📄️ BusyIndicatorTextPlacement
Different BusyIndicator text placements.
📄️ ButtonAccessibleRole
Button accessible roles.
📄️ ButtonDesign
Different Button designs.
📄️ ButtonType
Determines if the button has special form-related functionality.
📄️ CalendarLegendItemType
Enum for calendar legend items' types.
📄️ CalendarSelectionMode
Different Calendar selection mode.
📄️ CarouselArrowsPlacement
Different Carousel arrows placement.
📄️ CarouselPageIndicatorStyle
Different Carousel page indicator styles.
📄️ ComboBoxFilter
Different filtering types of the ComboBox.
📄️ HasPopup
Different types of HasPopup.
📄️ HighlightTypes
Different types of HighlightTypes .
📄️ IconDesign
Different Icon semantic designs.
📄️ InputType
Different input types.
📄️ LinkDesign
Different link designs.
📄️ ListGrowingMode
Different list growing modes.
📄️ ListItemType
Different list item types.
📄️ ListMode
Different list modes.
📄️ ListSeparators
Different types of list items separators.
📄️ MessageStripDesign
MessageStrip designs.
📄️ PanelAccessibleRole
Panel accessible roles.
📄️ PopoverHorizontalAlign
Popover horizontal align types.
📄️ PopoverPlacementType
Popover placement types.
📄️ PopoverVerticalAlign
Popover vertical align types.
📄️ PopupAccessibleRole
Popup accessible roles.
📄️ Priority
Different types of Priority.
📄️ SegmentedButtonMode
Different SegmentedButton modes.
📄️ SemanticColor
Different types of SemanticColor.
📄️ SwitchDesign
Different types of Switch designs.
📄️ TabContainerBackgroundDesign
Background design for the header and content of TabContainer.
📄️ TabLayout
Tab layout of TabContainer.
📄️ TableColumnPopinDisplay
Table cell popin display.
📄️ TableGrowingMode
Different table growing modes.
📄️ TableMode
Different table modes.
📄️ TableRowType
Different table row types.
📄️ TabsOverflowMode
Tabs overflow mode in TabContainer.
📄️ TitleLevel
Different types of Title level.
📄️ ToastPlacement
Toast placement.
📄️ ToolbarAlign
Defines which direction the items of ui5-toolbar will be aligned.
📄️ ToolbarItemOverflowBehavior
Defines the priority of the toolbar item to go inside overflow popover.
📄️ WrappingType
Different types of wrapping.