The ui5-view-settings-dialog component helps the user to sort data within a list or a table.
It consists of several lists like Sort order which is built-in and Sort By and Filter By lists,
for which you must be provide items(ui5-sort-item & ui5-filter-item respectively)
These options can be used to create sorters for a table.
The ui5-view-settings-dialog interrupts the current application processing as it is the only focused UI element and
the main screen is dimmed/blocked.
The ui5-view-settings-dialog is modal, which means that user action is required before returning to the parent window is possible.
A ui5-view-settings-dialog consists of a header, content, and a footer for action buttons.
The ui5-view-settings-dialog is usually displayed at the center of the screen.
Defines the list of items against which the user could sort data. Note: If you want to use this slot, you need to import used item: import "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/SortItem.js";
sortOrder: String The current sort order selected. sortBy: String The currently selected ui5-sort-item text attribute. sortByItem: HTMLElement The currently selected ui5-sort-item. sortDescending: Boolean The selected sort order (true = descending, false = ascending). filters: Array The selected filters items.
sortOrder: String The current sort order selected. sortBy: String The currently selected ui5-sort-item text attribute. sortByItem: HTMLElement The currently selected ui5-sort-item. sortDescending: Boolean The selected sort order (true = descending, false = ascending). filters: Array The selected filters items.
Sets a JavaScript object, as settings to the ui5-view-settings-dialog. This method can be used after the dialog is initially open, as the dialog needs to set its initial settings. The ui5-view-settings-dialog throws an event called "before-open", which can be used as a trigger point. The object should have the following format: