The ui5-badge is a component which serves
the purpose to attract the user attention to some piece
of information (state, quantity, condition, etc.).
It can contain icon and text information, and its design can be chosen from specific design types.
Defines the color scheme of the component. There are 10 predefined schemes. To use one you can set a number from "1" to "10". The colorScheme"1" will be set by default. Note: Color schemes have no visual representation in High Contrast Black (sap_belize_hcb) theme.
Defines how the text of a component will be displayed when there is not enough space. Note: For option "Normal" the text will wrap and the words will not be broken based on hyphenation.
Defines the text of the component. Note: Although this slot accepts HTML Elements, it is strongly recommended that you only use text in order to preserve the intended design.