Basic API

Empty Multi Input

Multi Input with Value Help Icon

Multi Input with Value Help Icon and a custom icon

Multi Input with 1 token

Readonly Multi Input with tokens

Multi Input with 11 tokens (overflowing)

Multi Input with 11 tokens (overflowing) and value help icon

Multi Input show wrapping

Value States

Multi Input - Success

Multi Input - Information

Information message. This is a Link. Extra long text used as an information message. Extra long text used as an information message - 2. Extra long text used as an information message - 3.

Multi Input - Warning

Multi Input - Error


Multi Input without tokens

Add more tokens

Add multiple tokens

Add more tokens

Multi Input with 1 token

Add more tokens

Multi Input with 2 tokens

Multi Input with 5 tokens

Add more tokens

Multi Input with Truncated token

dummy button
Add MultiInput with single token

Multi Input with N-Items

Multi Input with N-More

Tokens + Suggestions

Suggestions + showing wrapping

Create tokens on change and on paste

Token is already in the list

Test value-help-trigger with F4 and Alt + ArrowUp/Down

MultiInput with tokens with custom icon




Event target text:

Custom Suggestions

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