📄️ IAvatarGroupItem
Interface for components that represent an avatar and may be slotted in numerous higher-order components such as ui5-avatar-group
📄️ IButton
Interface for components that may be used as a button inside numerous higher-order components
📄️ ICalendarSelectedDates
Interface for components that may be slotted inside a ui5-calendar.
📄️ IColorPaletteItem
Interface for components that may be used inside a ui5-color-palette or ui5-color-palette-popover
📄️ IComboBoxItem
Interface for components that may be slotted inside a ui5-combobox
📄️ IFormItem
Interface for components that can be slotted inside ui5-form as items.
📄️ IIcon
Interface for components that represent an icon, usable in numerous higher-order components
📄️ IInputSuggestionItem
Interface for components that represent a suggestion item, usable in ui5-input
📄️ IMenuItem
Interface for components that may be slotted inside a ui5-menu.
📄️ IMultiComboBoxItem
Interface for components that may be slotted inside a ui5-multi-combobox as items
📄️ IOption
Interface for components that may be slotted inside ui5-select as options
📄️ ISegmentedButtonItem
Interface for components that may be slotted inside ui5-segmented-button as items
📄️ ITab
Interface for components that may be slotted inside ui5-tabcontainer as items
📄️ ITableFeature
The following entity is available under an experimental flag and its API and behavior are subject to change.
📄️ ITableGrowing
The following entity is available under an experimental flag and its API and behavior are subject to change.