📄️ AvatarColorScheme
Different types of AvatarColorScheme.
📄️ AvatarGroupType
Different types of AvatarGroupType.
📄️ AvatarShape
Different types of AvatarShape.
📄️ AvatarSize
Different types of AvatarSize.
📄️ BackgroundDesign
Defines background designs.
📄️ BarDesign
Different types of Bar design
📄️ BorderDesign
Defines border designs.
📄️ BreadcrumbsDesign
Different Breadcrumbs designs.
📄️ BreadcrumbsSeparator
Different Breadcrumbs separators.
📄️ BusyIndicatorSize
Different BusyIndicator sizes.
📄️ BusyIndicatorTextPlacement
Different BusyIndicator text placements.
📄️ ButtonAccessibleRole
Button accessible roles.
📄️ ButtonBadgeDesign
Determines where the badge will be placed and how it will be styled.
📄️ ButtonDesign
Different Button designs.
📄️ ButtonType
Determines if the button has special form-related functionality.
📄️ CalendarLegendItemType
Enum for calendar legend items' types.
📄️ CalendarSelectionMode
Different Calendar selection mode.
📄️ CalendarWeekNumbering
The CalendarWeekNumbering enum defines how to calculate calendar weeks. Each