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Right-To-Left (RTL) and Compact Mode

This section explains how to make UI5 Web Components render in RTL and compact mode.

Note: Both of these settings are not properties of the components per se, but rather markers you set on some part of the HTML page that affect all components inside.

RTL Support​

Some UI5 Web Components are RTL-aware, meaning they render differently when placed in an RTL-designated part of the DOM tree.

Setting RTL​

To have the components render in RTL mode, just set the HTML attribute dir to rtl on the component itself, the body, html or any other relevant region of your application.

Example 1:

<body dir="rtl">

(RTL will be set for all UI5 Web Components on the page.)

Example 2:

<ui5-button>Button 1</ui5-button>
<div dir="rtl">
<ui5-button>Button 2</ui5-button>

<ui5-button dir="rtl">Button 3</ui5-button>

(RTL will be set for Button 2 and Button 3.)

Changing RTL Dynamically​

The first time UI5 Web Components are rendered, they will take into account the dir attribute of the respective part of the DOM tree they are placed in.

However, if you change dir dynamically afterwards, you must call the applyDirection method to re-render all RTL-aware components.


import applyDirection from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/locale/applyDirection.js";

document.body.dir = "rtl";

Technical Note: Whenever you change the dir attribute, the browser will automatically re-render that part of the DOM tree (including any Web Components) by default. The applyDirection call is only needed to adjust paddings, margins and other CSS selectors that are not affected by dir. As more advanced CSS features become available in the near future, applyDirection will not be needed and will eventually be deprecated.

Compact Mode​

Some UI5 Web Components support compact mode, meaning they can be rendered with smaller sizes, margins and paddings in order to preserve as much space as possible.

To enable compact mode, use any of the following markers on the component itself, the body, html or any other relevant region of your application:

  • data-ui5-compact-size attribute
  • ui5-content-density-compact class

Example 1:

<body data-ui5-compact-size>

(Compact mode is set for all UI5 Web Components on the page.)

Example 2:

<ui5-button>Button 1</ui5-button>
<div data-ui5-compact-size>
<ui5-button>Button 2</ui5-button>

<ui5-button class="ui5-content-density-compact">Button 3</ui5-button>

(Compact mode will be set for Button 2 and Button 3.)

Unlike RTL, compact mode does not require additional APIs when its markers are changed dynamically.