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Preparing for UI5 Web Components 2.0

ยท 3 min read

UI5 Web Components 2.0 version is on the horizon. Here's a summary of everything you need to know (release information, key features and breaking changes) and start preparing for it.

Release Timelinesโ€‹

  • Release 2.0 RC versions in April
  • Release 2.0 between mid June - mid July

Migration Supportโ€‹

Maintenance of 1.xโ€‹

  • Support until the end of the year
  • Downport of bug fixes only

2.0 Featuresโ€‹

Framework Featuresโ€‹

New Componentsโ€‹

  • Dynamic Page
  • Form
  • Text
  • Tokenizer

Components Featuresโ€‹

  • List Drag and Drop (comes with TabContainer)?
  • Tree Drag and Drop
  • TabContainer Drag and Drop
  • New Notifications Experience

Reusable component CSS stylesโ€‹

Styles for creating patterns/layouts or other common styling

New Site for Documentation, Samples and API referenceโ€‹

See the preview.

  • Live editor
  • Playground
  • Dark mode
  • Icons view

2.0 Breaking changesโ€‹

  • 90% is pure API renaming for better consistency
  • several APIs are replaced by alternatives (listed below)
  • few APIs are removed without alternatives (listed below)


  • Removal of Belize (recommendation: migrate to Horizon)


  • CSP (Content Security Policy) will be ensured via adoptedStyleSheets only. The adoptedStyleSheets are CSP compliant by design and all components styles will be defined as adoptedStyleSheets.

The CSP.js module is removed and the creation of <style> and <link> tags is no longer required as all browsers now support adoptedStyleSheets.

As a result, hte following APIs are not available any more and should not be used:

import { setUseLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"
import { setPackageCSSRoot } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"
import { setPreloadLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"

Renamed APIsโ€‹

See the full list here.

Replaced APIsโ€‹

  • Methods openPicker will be replaced by open/opener properties to promote declarative API

  • Grouping of Items

Instead of using ui5-li-groupheader as separator in a flat structure:


true nesting will be provided of ListItems inside ListItemGroup to easier bind hierarchical data model to the UI:

<ui5-li-group header-text="group">
  • Menu: the property starts-section will be replaced by ui5-menu-separator component.
  • List: the property image will be replaced by slot image
  • TabContainer: the property show-overflow property is will be replaced by slot overflowButton.
  • IllustratedMessage: the property titleLevel will be replaced by slot title.

Removed APIs without alternativeโ€‹

Progress Indicator (ui5-progress-indicator)โ€‹

  • The disabled property will be removed. Progress indicator isn't an interactive element so disabled property make no sense. Also aria-disabled is deprecated on the progressbar role since ARIA 1.2 .

Selects's Option (ui5-option)โ€‹

  • The disabled property will be removed. The UX and ACC standards suggest to not include any disabled items in the dropdown

Token (ui5-token)โ€‹

  • The readonly property will be removed.