
import BundleBuilder from "../../lbt/bundle/Builder.js";
import LocatorResourcePool from "../../lbt/resources/LocatorResourcePool.js";
import EvoResource from "@ui5/fs/Resource";
import {getLogger} from "@ui5/logger";
const log = getLogger("builder:processors:bundlers:moduleBundler");

 * @public
 * @module @ui5/builder/processors/bundlers/moduleBundler

 * A ModuleBundleDefinitionSection specifies the embedding mode (either 'provided', 'raw', 'preload', 'require'
 * or 'bundleInfo') and lists the resources that should be in- or excluded from the section.
 * <p>
 * <b>Module bundle section modes</b><br>
 * <ul>
 * 	<li>
 *		<code>provided</code>: A section of mode 'provided' defines a set of modules that should not be included in
 * the bundle file itself, but which should be assumed to be already loaded (or 'provided') by the environment into
 * which the bundle module is loaded.
 * 	</li>
 *	<li>
 *		<code>raw</code>: A 'raw' section determines the set of modules that should be embedded, sorts them according
 *		to their dependencies and writes them out 1:1 without any transformation or wrapping (raw). Only JavaScript
 *		sources can be embedded in a raw section.
 *	</li>
 *	<li>
 *		<code>preload</code>: A 'preload' section packages resources that should be stored in the preload cache in the
 *		client. They can embed any textual resource type (JavaScript, XML, JSON and .properties files) that the
 *		bundling supports. UI5 modules are wrapped into a 'sap.ui.predefine' call. Other JavaScript modules will be
 *		embedded into a '' call, or in a "sap.ui.require.preload" call when
 *      the ui5loader is available.
 *	</li>
 *	<li>
 *		<code>require</code>: A `require` section is transformed into a `sap.ui.require` call with all the dependencies
 *		resolved. This module comes with an `async` flag. When set to false, the modules
 *		are loaded using `sap.ui.requireSync` instead of `sap.ui.require`.
 *		**Note:** The `sap.ui.requireSync` API is not available in UI5 version 2.x.
 *	</li>
 *	<li>
 *		<code>bundleInfo</code>: A 'bundleInfo' section describes the content of another named bundle. This information
 *		is transformed into a ui5loader-"bundlesUI5" configuration.
 *		At runtime, if a module is known to be contained in a bundle, the loader will require that bundle before
 *		the module itself.
 *		This requires the ui5loader to be available at build time and UI5 version 1.74.0 or higher at runtime.
 *	</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @public
 * @typedef {object} ModuleBundleDefinitionSection
 * @property {string} mode The embedding mode. Either 'provided', 'raw', 'preload', 'require' or 'bundleInfo'
 * @property {string[]} filters List of modules declared as glob patterns (resource name patterns) that should be
 *		in- or excluded.
 * 		A pattern ending with a slash '/' will, similarly to the use of a single '*' or double '**' asterisk,
 *		denote an arbitrary number of characters or folder names.
 * 		Excludes should be marked with a leading exclamation mark '!'. The order of filters is relevant; a later
 *		exclusion overrides an earlier inclusion, and vice versa.
 * @example <caption>List of modules as glob patterns that should be in- or excluded</caption>
 * // Includes everything from "some/path/to/module/",
 * // but excludes the subfolder "some/path/to/module/to/be/excluded/"
 * const section = {
 * 	"filters": [
 * 		"some/path/to/module/",
 * 		"!some/path/to/module/to/be/excluded/"
 * 	]
 * };
 * @property {boolean} [resolve=false] Whether (transitive) dependencies of modules that match the given filters
 *		should be resolved and added to the module set
 * @property {boolean} [resolveConditional=false] Whether conditional dependencies of modules should be resolved
 * 		and added to the module set for this section
 * @property {boolean} [renderer=false] Whether renderers for controls should be added to the module set
 * @property {boolean} [declareRawModules=false] Whether raw modules should be declared after
 *		became available. With the usage of the ui5loader, this flag should be set to 'false'
 * @property {boolean} [sort=true] Whether the modules should be sorted by their dependencies
 * @property {boolean} [async=true] Whether the `require` section of the module should be loaded asynchronously.
 * 		When set to true, the modules are loaded using a single `sap.ui.require` call instead of multiple
 *      `sap.ui.requireSync` calls.
 * 		The latter API is not available in UI5 version 2.x.
 * 		**Note:** This property is available only for `mode=require`.

/* eslint-disable max-len */
 * Module bundle definition
 * @public
 * @typedef {object} ModuleBundleDefinition
 * @property {string} name The module bundle name
 * @property {string[]} [defaultFileTypes=[".js", ".control.xml", ".fragment.html", ".fragment.json", ".fragment.xml", ".view.html", ".view.json", ".view.xml"]]
 *   List of default file types to be included in the bundle
 * @property {module:@ui5/builder/processors/bundlers/moduleBundler~ModuleBundleDefinitionSection[]} sections List of module bundle definition sections.
/* eslint-enable max-len */

 * Module bundle options
 * @public
 * @typedef {object} ModuleBundleOptions
 * @property {boolean} [optimize=true] Whether the module bundle gets minified
 * @property {boolean} [sourceMap=true] Whether to generate a source map file for the bundle
 * @property {boolean} [decorateBootstrapModule=false] If set to 'false', bootable bundles won't be decorated
 *   with an optimization marker
 * @property {boolean} [addTryCatchRestartWrapper=false] Whether to wrap bootable bundles with
 *   a try/catch to filter out "Restart" errors
 * @property {number} [numberOfParts=1] The number of parts the module bundle should be splitted
 * @property {boolean} [ignoreMissingModules=false] When searching for modules which are optional for further
 *   processing, do not throw in case they are missing

 * Result set
 * @public
 * @typedef {object} ModuleBundlerResult
 * @property {@ui5/fs/Resource} bundle Bundle resource
 * @property {@ui5/fs/Resource} sourceMap Source Map

/* eslint-disable max-len */
 * Legacy module bundler.
 * @public
 * @function default
 * @static
 * @param {object} parameters Parameters
 * @param {@ui5/fs/Resource[]} parameters.resources Resources
 * @param {object} parameters.options Options
 * @param {object} [parameters.options.moduleNameMapping]
 				Optional mapping of resource paths to module name in order to overwrite the default determination
 * @param {module:@ui5/builder/processors/bundlers/moduleBundler~ModuleBundleDefinition} parameters.options.bundleDefinition Module
				bundle definition
 * @param {module:@ui5/builder/processors/bundlers/moduleBundler~ModuleBundleOptions} [parameters.options.bundleOptions] Module
				bundle options
 * @param {string} [parameters.options.targetUi5CoreVersion] Optional semver compliant sap.ui.core project version, e.g '2.0.0'.
				This allows the bundler to make assumptions on available runtime APIs.
				Omit if the ultimate UI5 version at runtime is unknown or can't be determined.
 * @param {boolean} [parameters.options.allowStringBundling=false] Optional flag to allow bundling of modules as a string.
 * @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/builder/processors/bundlers/moduleBundler~ModuleBundlerResult[]>}
 * Promise resolving with module bundle resources
/* eslint-enable max-len */
export default function({resources, options: {
	bundleDefinition, bundleOptions, moduleNameMapping, targetUi5CoreVersion, allowStringBundling = false
}}) {
	// Apply defaults without modifying the passed object
	bundleOptions = Object.assign({}, {
		optimize: true,
		sourceMap: true,
		decorateBootstrapModule: false,
		addTryCatchRestartWrapper: false,
		numberOfParts: 1,
		ignoreMissingModules: false
	}, bundleOptions);

	// bundleDefinition's defaults get applied in the corresponding standard tasks

	const pool = new LocatorResourcePool({
		ignoreMissingModules: bundleOptions.ignoreMissingModules
	const builder = new BundleBuilder(pool, targetUi5CoreVersion, allowStringBundling);

	if (log.isLevelEnabled("verbose")) {
		log.verbose(`Generating bundle:`);
		log.verbose(`bundleDefinition: ${JSON.stringify(bundleDefinition, null, 2)}`);
		log.verbose(`bundleOptions: ${JSON.stringify(bundleOptions, null, 2)}`);
	return pool.prepare( resources, moduleNameMapping ).
		then( () => builder.createBundle(bundleDefinition, bundleOptions) ).
		then( (results) => {
			let bundles;
			if (results instanceof Array) {
				bundles = results;
			} else {
				bundles = [results];

			return Promise.all( => {
				if ( bundleObj ) {
					const {name, content, sourceMap} = bundleObj;
					// console.log("creating bundle as '%s'", "/resources/" + name);
					const res = {};
					res.bundle = new EvoResource({
						path: "/resources/" + name,
						string: content
					if (sourceMap) {
						res.sourceMap = new EvoResource({
							path: "/resources/" + name + ".map",
							string: sourceMap
					return res;