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UI5 Project

The UI5 Project module provides functionality to build a UI5 project. Also see Development Overview: Project Dependencies.


Types define how a project can be configured and how it is built. A type orchestrates a set of tasks and defines the order in which they get applied during build phase. Furthermore, it takes care of formatting and validating the project-specific configuration.

Also see UI5 Project: Configuration


Projects of type application are typically the main or root project. In a projects dependency tree, there should only be one project of type application. If multiple are found, those further away from the root are ignored.

The source directory of an application (typically named webapp) is mapped to the virtual root path /.

An applications source directory may or may not contain a Component.js file. If it does, it must also contain a manifest.json file. If there is a Component.js file, an optimized Component-preload.js file will be generated during the build.


UI5 libraries are often referred to as reuse-, custom- or control libraries. They are a key component in sharing code across multiple projects in UI5.

A project of type library must have a source directory (typically named src). It may also feature a "test" directory. These directories are mapped to the virtual directories /resources for the sources and /test-resources for the test resources.

These directories should contain a directory structure representing the namespace of the library (e.g. src/my/first/library) to prevent name clashes between the resources of different libraries.


Available since Specification Version 1.1

UI5 theme libraries provide theming resources for the controls of one or multiple libraries.

A project of type theme-library must have a source directory (typically named src). It may also feature a "test" directory. These directories are mapped to the virtual directories /resources for the sources and /test-resources for the test resources.

The source directory must contain a directory structure representing the namespaces of the libraries it provides theme resources for. For example, a theme library named my_custom_theme, providing resources for a library named my.library should have these resources in a directory path my/library/themes/my_custom_theme/.


The module type is meant for usage with non-UI5 resources like third-party libraries. Their path mapping can be configured freely. During a build, their resources are copied without modifications.

Build Output Style

The Output Style offers you control over your project's build output folder. Namespaces like sap.m or sap.ui.core can be streamlined, producing a more concise and flat output. For example, a resource like /resources/sap/m/RangeSlider.js will be transformed into ./RangeSlider.js. And vice versa, applications that are built by default with Flat output, can leverage any namespaces they might have.

In the table below you can find the available combinations of project type & output style.

Project Type / Requested Output Style Resulting Style
Default Root project is written Flat-style. 1
Flat Same as Default.
Namespace Root project is written Namespace-style (resources are prefixed with the project's namespace). 1
Default Root project is written Namespace-style. 1
Flat Root project is written Flat-style (without its namespace, logging warnings for resources outside of it). 1
Namespace Same as Default.
Default Root project is written in the style of the sources (multiple namespaces). 1
Flat Unsupported 2
Namespace Unsupported 2
Default Root project is written with the configured paths. 1
Flat Unsupported 3
Namespace Unsupported 3

1 The Output Style is only applied to the root project's output folder structure. Any dependencies included in the build would retain their Default output style.
2 Theme libraries in most cases have more than one namespace.
3 Modules have explicit path mappings configured and no namespace concept.

API Reference