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Development Overview

When developing a UI5 project on your local system, you should use the UI5 Server (ui5 serve) and not the UI5 Builder (ui5 build). Building a project should only be required when deploying it.

However, you might have good reasons to also use the UI5 Builder during development. In such cases, feel free to let us know! Maybe your use case could be covered by a future enhancement of the UI5 Server.

Project Dependencies

UI5 Tooling differentiates between "framework dependencies" and "project dependencies".

Framework dependencies are generally libraries and themes provided by the SAP frameworks "OpenUI5" and "SAPUI5". UI5 Tooling will take care of downloading them and handling their versions for you. Please see the corresponding documentation on both options:

Project dependencies are all other libraries, custom themes, UI5 Tooling extensions or JavaScript modules your project depends on. In general these dependencies are maintained in the package.json of your project. See also: FAQ: Why package.json? / Why npm?.

Linking Projects

Would you like to work on an application project and one or more of its dependencies at the same time? We got you covered!

UI5 Workspaces

The recommended approach for setting up a development environment where simultaneous work on multiple UI5 projects is required.

Head over to the UI5 Workspaces documentation for the details. Below is an example based on a simple scenario with an application and a reuse library project:

Example: Your Directory Structure

    \_ node_modules/
    \_ webapp/
    \_ ui5.yaml
    \_ package.json
    \_ node_modules/
    \_ src/
    \_ test/
    \_ ui5.yaml
    \_ package.json

In its package.json, my-app should already define a dependency to my-reuse-library. So, after running the npm install command, a copy of the my-reuse-library-package should be retrieved from the package registry and added to my-app's node_modules/ directory.

In the my-app directory, create a new file named ui5-workspace.yaml with the following content:

specVersion: workspace/1.0
    name: default
        - path: ../my-reuse-library

That's it! Start a server via ui5 serve, and you will see that any changes you make in my-reuse-library are immediately visible in my-app.

Package Managers

By leaving dependency management up to the tool of your choice (see FAQ: Why package.json? / Why npm?) you have a variety of other options for linking dependencies into your project.

Here is an example using the npm CLI in Version 8, an application, and a reuse library project:

Example: Your Directory Structure

    \_ node_modules/
    \_ webapp/
    \_ ui5.yaml
    \_ package.json
    \_ node_modules/
    \_ src/
    \_ test/
    \_ ui5.yaml
    \_ package.json

In its package.json, my-app should already define a dependency to my-reuse-library. So, after running the npm install command, a copy of the "my-reuse-library"-package should be retrieved from the package registry and added to my-app's node_modules/ directory.

Now all you need to do is replacing this copy of the my-reuse-library package with a link to the my-reuse-library project located somewhere on your computer. In this example it is right next to my-app, but that doesn't really matter.

First, in the directory of the my-reuse-library project, create a global link:

npm link

Then, in the my-app directory, use that link to replace the registry package:

npm link my-reuse-library
Note: "my-reuse-library" is the name defined in the package.json and not necessarily the directory or ui5.yaml name

That's it. You can check whether the linking worked by executing ui5 tree in the my-app directory and looking for the path attributes in its output.

Static Dependency Definition

As an alternative to defining your project dependencies in the package.json, you can define a static dependency hierarchy for the project in a YAML file. This is typically only advised in special cases where none of the other concepts work.

To use such a file in UI5 CLI, provide a path to it using the --dependency-definition parameter. Note that all package.json dependencies will be ignored (including UI5 Tooling extensions), but UI5 framework dependencies defined in ui5.yaml will still be used.

Example: projectDependencies.yaml

version: "local"
path: "."
  - id: my.lib
    version: "local"
    path: "../my.lib"

By placing this file in the root directory of the application project, you can start a server with a local copy of the my.lib dependency, located in the same parent directory, using the command ui5 serve --dependency-definition ./projectDependencies.yaml.

The structure of the dependency definition file follows that of the @ui5/project/graph/providers/DependencyTree~TreeNode type.

HTTP/2 Development Webserver

The UI5 Tooling contains a web server to serve the project via HTTP/2 protocol.

ui5 serve --h2

This requires an SSL certificate. You are guided through the automatic generation process. Also see the UI5 Server documentation

Integration in Other Tools

One of the key features of the UI5 Tooling is its modularization. Single parts of the tooling can easily be integrated in other Node.js-based tools and frameworks like Grunt or Gulp.

All JavaScript APIs available for direct consumption are listed here. However, for standard UI5 development, the UI5 CLI should always be the first choice.