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Code Analysis

During the build process, UI5 Tooling executes a static code analysis of your project. In the following sections the term "simple literal" is used for the following language features:

  • string literals
  • numeric literals
  • Boolean literals
  • null / undefined
  • template literals without any expressions
  • arrays of the previous (spread operators are ignored)
  • object literals with "simple literals" used as keys and values (again, spread operators are ignored)

Dependency Analysis

UI5 Tooling extracts dependency information from a project's code as outlined in the following sections. The APIs described there require the usage of "simple literals" when declaring dependencies.

JSModule Analyzer

The following APIs are analyzed by the JSModule Analyzer:

  • sap.ui.define
  • sap.ui.require
  • (deprecated)
  • (deprecated)
  • sap.ui.requireSync (deprecated)
  • sap.ui.preload (restricted)
  • sap.ui.require.preload (restricted)

The JSModule Analyzer uses the "Abstract Syntax Tree" (AST) of a JavaScript file to decide whether a code block is executed conditionally or unconditionally.

The analyzer uses a set of rules to decide whether one of the above APIs is called whenever the module is executed or whether the API is only called under certain conditions.

For example, top-level code is always executed. Flow-control statements in JavaScript imply that certain blocks of code are only executed under certain conditions (for example, if blocks, else blocks, ...). Besides these inherent JavaScript rules, further common patterns are known to the analyzer, e.g. immediately invoked function expressions or the factory function of AMD modules.

Any dependencies found that - according to these rules - are always executed, are collected as eager (or standard) dependencies. Dependencies that are found on a code path that depends on certain conditions are collected as conditional dependencies.

The bundling implemented by UI5 Tooling can either follow only eager dependencies (resolve: true) or additionally conditional dependencies (resolveConditional). For more information, see Custom Bundling.

When a dependency in one of the mentioned APIs is not a "simple literal" but an expression, the corresponding module is marked as "having dynamic dependencies". This marker is currently not further evaluated by the tooling.

Component Analyzer

The Component Analyzer analyzes JavaScript files named Component.js to collect dependency information by searching for a manifest.json located in the same folder as the Component.js. If one is found, the sap.ui5 section is evaluated in the following way:

  • Any library dependency is added as a dependency to the library.js module of that library. If the library dependency is modeled as 'lazy', the module dependency will be added as 'conditional'.
  • Any component dependency is added as a dependency to a file named Component.js. If the dependency is modeled as 'lazy', the module dependency will be added as 'conditional'.
  • For each UI5 model for which a type is configured, a module dependency to that type is added.
  • For each route that contains a view name, a module dependency to that view is added.

Smart Template Analyzer

The Smart Template Analyzer analyzes a Smart Template app and its underlying template components to collect dependency information. It searches for a manifest.json located in the same folder as the Component.js. If it is found and if it is valid JSON, an section is searched and evaluated in the following way:

  • For each page configuration, the configured component is added as a dependency to the template app module.
  • If the page configuration contains a templateName, a dependency to that template view is added to the app.
  • Otherwise, the class definition of the component is analyzed to find a default template view name. If found, a dependency to that view is added to the app module.

The template component is analyzed in the following way:

  • precondition: the template component class is defined in an AMD-style module, using define or sap.ui.define
  • precondition: the module sap/suite/ui/generic/template/lib/TemplateAssembler is imported
  • precondition: a call to TemplateAssembler.getTemplateComponent is used to define the component class
  • precondition: that call is used in a top-level return statement of the factory function
  • precondition: necessary parameters to that call are given as an object literal (no further coding)
  • precondition: the settings define a managed property with a defaultValue of type string The default value of the property represents the template view of the template component. The manifest of the template app could in theory specify an alternative template in component.settings.templateName.

XML Template Analyzer

The XML Template Analyzer tackles XMLView and XMLFragment. It parses the XML, collects controls, and adds them as dependency to the ModuleInfo object. Additionally, some special dependencies are handled:

  • controller of the view
  • resource bundle (note: as locale-dependent dependencies can't be modelled yet in the ModuleInfo, only a dependency to the development version (aka raw language) of the bundle will be added)
  • component referenced via the ComponentContainer control
  • embedded fragments or views

In an XMLView/XMLFragment, usually three categories of element nodes exist: Controls, aggregations, and non-UI5 nodes (e.g. XHTML or SVG). The third category usually can be identified by its namespace. To distinguish between the first two categories, the analyzer checks whether a resource exists in the project or its dependencies whose name matches the qualified node name. For example, if the qualified node name is sap.m.Text, the analyzer checks whether sap/m/Text.js exists. If so, UI5 Tooling detects this node as a control, otherwise as an aggregation.

XML Composite Analyzer

The XMLComposite control is deprecated since version UI5 1.88. Nevertheless, UI5 Tooling will attempt to analyze the declaration of any such controls in a project.

The XML Composite Analyzer searches for the name of the configured fragment containing the XMLComposite control.

], function(XMLComposite) {
    return XMLComposite.extend("composites.MyComposite", {} 
], function(XMLComposite) {
    return XMLComposite.extend("composites.MyComposite", {
        fragment: "composites.custom.MyComposite"

Library Initialization

The library.js Analyzer checks every library.js file in the namespace of a library for occurences of a sap/ui/core/Core#initLibrary call. If found, the following information will be placed in the generated manifest.json:

  • noLibraryCSS: false when the noLibraryCSS property had been set in the initLibrary info object
  • types: string array with the names of the types contained in the library
  • controls: string array with the names of the controls defined in the library
  • elements: string array with the names of the elements defined in the library
  • interfaces: string array with the names of the interfaces defined in the library

sap/ui/core/Core#initLibrary requires the usage of "simple literals" for the parameters passed to this function call.

Note: Currently only the usage via the global sap.ui.getCore().initLibrary is supported by this analyzer. Requiring sap/ui/core/Core and then calling Core.initLibrary is not recognized by this analyzer.


The UI5 Tooling offers a JSDoc build, which is enhanced by UI5-specific JSDoc features.

An UI5 SDK can be built locally. To get more insight into the local UI5 SDK build setup, have a look at our Developer's Guide.

Currently, the resources needed for a UI5 SDK build are stored in openui5 and in ui5-builder. This double maintenance is needed because these files are not part of the sap.ui.core library artefact, so building JSDoc for any library has no access to the needed resources. It's therefore necessary to have these resources also available in the ui5-builder. This might change in the future.

The following artefacts contribute to the JSDoc build:

  • jsdocGenerator.js: Executes the actual JSDoc build. UI5 Tooling wrapper for plugin.cjs.
  • sdkTransformer.js: UI5 Tooling wrapper for transformApiJson.cjs.
  • apiIndexGenerator.js: UI5 Tooling wrapper for createIndexFiles.cjs.
  • createIndexFiles.cjs: Creates API index resources from all api.json resources and by interpreting the sap-ui-version.json available in the given test resources directory. The resulting index resources (e.g. api-index.json, api-index-deprecated.json, api-index-experimental.json and api-index-since.json) are only to be used in a UI5 SDK.
  • transformApiJson.cjs: Preprocesses api.json files for use in UI5 SDKs. Transforms the api.json as created by the JSDoc build into a pre-processed api.json file suitable for the SDK. The pre-processing includes formatting of type references, rewriting of links, and other time-consuming calculations.
  • plugin.cjs: UI5 plugin for JSDoc3. The plugin adds the following UI5-specific tag definitions to JSDoc3:

    • disclaimer
    • experimental
    • final
    • interface
    • implements
    • ui5-restricted, and more

    It furthermore listens to the following JSDoc3 events to implement additional functionality:

    • parseBegin: to create short names for all files that are to be parsed
    • fileBegin: to write to the log (a kind of progress indicator)
    • jsdocCommentFound: to pre-process comments, empty lines are used as paragraph markers, a default visibility is added, and legacy tag combinations used in JSDoc2 are converted to JSDoc3 conventions
    • newDoclet
    • parseComplete: remove undocumented/ignored/private doclets or duplicate doclets

    Last but not least, it implements an astNodeVisitor to detect UI5-specific "extend" calls and to create documentation for the properties, aggregations, etc. that are created with the "extend" call.

  • publish.cjs: JSDoc3 template for UI5 documentation generation.

    • adds missing namespaces
    • determines the export names of exported APIs
    • writes out the api.json from the collected JSDoc information
    • calculates the inheritance hierarchy
    • checks for cyclic dependencies
    • removes unnecessary whitespace from an HTML document
  • versionUtil.cjs: Provides helper methods to determine version-related information.