import posixPath from "node:path/posix";
import {getLogger} from "@ui5/logger";
const log = getLogger("builder:tasks:generateThemeDesignerResources");
import libraryLessGenerator from "../processors/libraryLessGenerator.js";
import {updateLibraryDotTheming} from "./utils/dotTheming.js";
import ReaderCollectionPrioritized from "@ui5/fs/ReaderCollectionPrioritized";
import Resource from "@ui5/fs/Resource";
import fsInterface from "@ui5/fs/fsInterface";
* Returns a relative path from the given themeFolder to the root namespace.
* When combining the given themeFolder with the returned relative path it
* resolves to "/resources/". However the "/resources/" part is not important
* here as it doesn't exist within the theming engine environment where the
* UI5 resources are part of a "UI5" folder (e.g. "UI5/sap/ui/core/") that
* is next to a "Base" folder.
* @example
* getPathToRoot("/resources/sap/ui/foo/themes/base")
* > "../../../../../"
* @param {string} themeFolder Virtual path including /resources/
* @returns {string} Relative path to root namespace
function getPathToRoot(themeFolder) {
// -2 for initial "/"" and "resources/"
return "../".repeat(themeFolder.split("/").length - 2);
* Generates an less import statement for the given <code>filePath</code>
* @param {string} filePath The path to the desired file
* @returns {string} The less import statement
function lessImport(filePath) {
return `@import "${filePath}";\n`;
function generateLibraryDotTheming({namespace, version, hasThemes}) {
const dotTheming = {
sEntity: "Library",
sId: namespace,
sVersion: version
// Note that with sap.ui.core version 1.127.0 the .theming file has been put into
// the library sources so that "aFiles" can be maintained from there.
// The below configuration is still needed for older versions of sap.ui.core which do not
// contain the file.
if (namespace === "sap/ui/core") {
dotTheming.aFiles = [
"global", // Additional entry compared to UI5 root .theming
if (!hasThemes) {
// Set ignore flag when there are no themes at all
// This is important in case a library used to contain themes that have been removed
// in a later version of the library.
dotTheming.bIgnore = true;
return new Resource({
path: `/resources/${namespace}/.theming`,
string: JSON.stringify(dotTheming, null, 2)
async function generateThemeDotTheming({workspace, combo, themeFolder}) {
const themeName = posixPath.basename(themeFolder);
const libraryMatchPattern = /^\/resources\/(.*)\/themes\/[^/]*$/i;
const libraryMatch = libraryMatchPattern.exec(themeFolder);
let libraryName;
if (libraryMatch) {
libraryName = libraryMatch[1].replace(/\//g, ".");
} else {
throw new Error(`Failed to extract library name from theme folder path: ${themeFolder}`);
const dotThemingTargetPath = posixPath.join(themeFolder, ".theming");
if (libraryName === "sap.ui.core") {
// sap.ui.core should always have a .theming file for all themes
if (await workspace.byPath(dotThemingTargetPath)) {
// .theming file present, skip further processing
} else {
throw new Error(`.theming file for theme ${themeName} missing in sap.ui.core library source`);
let newDotThemingResource;
const coreDotThemingResource = await combo.byPath(`/resources/sap/ui/core/themes/${themeName}/.theming`);
if (coreDotThemingResource) {
// Copy .theming file from core
newDotThemingResource = await coreDotThemingResource.clone();
} else {
// No core .theming file found for this theme => Generate a .theming file
const dotTheming = {
sEntity: "Theme",
sId: themeName,
sVendor: "SAP"
if (themeName !== "base") {
dotTheming.oExtends = "base";
newDotThemingResource = new Resource({
path: dotThemingTargetPath,
string: JSON.stringify(dotTheming, null, 2)
return newDotThemingResource;
async function createCssVariablesLessResource({workspace, combo, themeFolder}) {
const pathToRoot = getPathToRoot(themeFolder);
const cssVariablesSourceLessFile = "css_variables.source.less";
const cssVariablesLessFile = "css_variables.less";
// posix as it is a virtual path (separated with /)
const themeName = posixPath.basename(themeFolder);
// The "base" theme of the baseLib is called "baseTheme"
const baseLibThemeName = themeName === "base" ? "baseTheme" : themeName;
// Some themes do not have a base.less file (e.g. sap_hcb)
const hasBaseLess = !!(await combo.byPath(`/resources/sap/ui/core/themes/${themeName}/base.less`));
let cssVariablesLess =
`/* NOTE: This file was generated as an optimized version of "${cssVariablesSourceLessFile}" \
for the Theme Designer. */\n\n`;
if (themeName !== "base") {
const cssVariablesSourceLessResource = await workspace.byPath(
posixPath.join(themeFolder, cssVariablesSourceLessFile)
if (!cssVariablesSourceLessResource) {
throw new Error(`Could not find file "${cssVariablesSourceLessFile}" in theme "${themeFolder}"`);
const cssVariablesSourceLess = await cssVariablesSourceLessResource.getString();
cssVariablesLess += lessImport(`../base/${cssVariablesLessFile}`);
cssVariablesLess += `
/* START "${cssVariablesSourceLessFile}" */
/* END "${cssVariablesSourceLessFile}" */
if (hasBaseLess) {
cssVariablesLess += lessImport(`${pathToRoot}../Base/baseLib/${baseLibThemeName}/base.less`);
cssVariablesLess += lessImport(`${pathToRoot}sap/ui/core/themes/${themeName}/global.less`);
return new Resource({
path: posixPath.join(themeFolder, cssVariablesLessFile),
string: cssVariablesLess
async function generateCssVariablesLess({workspace, combo, namespace}) {
let cssVariablesSourceLessResourcePattern;
if (namespace) {
// In case of a library only check for themes directly below the namespace
cssVariablesSourceLessResourcePattern = `/resources/${namespace}/themes/*/css_variables.source.less`;
} else {
// In case of a theme-library check for all "themes"
cssVariablesSourceLessResourcePattern = `/resources/**/themes/*/css_variables.source.less`;
const cssVariablesSourceLessResource = await workspace.byGlob(cssVariablesSourceLessResourcePattern);
const hasCssVariables = cssVariablesSourceLessResource.length > 0;
if (hasCssVariables) {
await Promise.all( (cssVariableSourceLess) => {
const themeFolder = posixPath.dirname(cssVariableSourceLess.getPath());
log.verbose(`Generating css_variables.less for theme ${themeFolder}`);
const r = await createCssVariablesLessResource({
workspace, combo, themeFolder
return await workspace.write(r);
* @public
* @module @ui5/builder/tasks/generateThemeDesignerResources
/* eslint "jsdoc/check-param-names": ["error", {"disableExtraPropertyReporting":true}] */
* Generates resources required for integration with the SAP Theme Designer.
* @public
* @function default
* @static
* @param {object} parameters Parameters
* @param {@ui5/fs/DuplexCollection} parameters.workspace DuplexCollection to read and write files
* @param {@ui5/fs/AbstractReader} parameters.dependencies Reader or Collection to read dependency files
* @param {object} parameters.options Options
* @param {string} parameters.options.projectName Project name
* @param {string} parameters.options.version Project version
* @param {string} [parameters.options.projectNamespace] If the project is of type <code>library</code>,
* provide its namespace.
* Omit for type <code>theme-library</code>
* @returns {Promise<undefined>} Promise resolving with <code>undefined</code> once data has been written
export default async function({workspace, dependencies, options}) {
const {projectName, version} = options;
// Backward compatibility: "namespace" option got renamed to "projectNamespace"
const namespace = options.projectNamespace || options.namespace;
// Skip sap.ui.documentation since it is not intended to be available in SAP Theme Designer to create custom themes
if (namespace === "sap/ui/documentation") {
let librarySourceLessPattern;
if (namespace) {
// In case of a library only check for themes directly below the namespace
librarySourceLessPattern = `/resources/${namespace}/themes/*/library.source.less`;
} else {
// In case of a theme-library check for all "themes"
librarySourceLessPattern = `/resources/**/themes/*/library.source.less`;
const librarySourceLessResources = await workspace.byGlob(librarySourceLessPattern);
const hasThemes = librarySourceLessResources.length > 0;
// library .theming file
// Only for type "library". Type "theme-library" does not provide a namespace
// Also needs to be created in case a library does not have any themes (see bIgnore flag)
if (namespace) {
let libraryDotThemingResource;
// Do not generate a .theming file for the sap.ui.core library
if (namespace === "sap/ui/core") {
// Check if the .theming file already exists
libraryDotThemingResource = await workspace.byPath(`/resources/${namespace}/.theming`);
if (libraryDotThemingResource) {
// Update the existing .theming resource
log.verbose(`Updating .theming for namespace ${namespace}`);
await updateLibraryDotTheming({
resource: libraryDotThemingResource,
if (!libraryDotThemingResource) {
log.verbose(`Generating .theming for namespace ${namespace}`);
libraryDotThemingResource = generateLibraryDotTheming({
await workspace.write(libraryDotThemingResource);
if (!hasThemes) {
// Skip further processing as there are no themes
const combo = new ReaderCollectionPrioritized({
name: `generateThemeDesignerResources - prioritize workspace over dependencies: ${projectName}`,
readers: [workspace, dependencies]
// theme .theming files
const themeDotThemingFiles = await Promise.all( => {
const themeFolder = posixPath.dirname(librarySourceLess.getPath());
log.verbose(`Generating .theming for theme ${themeFolder}`);
return generateThemeDotTheming({
workspace, combo, themeFolder
await Promise.all( (resource) => {
if (resource) {
await workspace.write(resource);
// library.less files
const libraryLessResources = await libraryLessGenerator({
resources: librarySourceLessResources,
fs: fsInterface(combo),
await Promise.all( => workspace.write(resource))
// css_variables.less
await generateCssVariablesLess({workspace, combo, namespace});