
const randomInt = require("random-int");
const Trace = require("./tracing/Trace");

 * Abstract resource locator
 * @public
 * @abstract
 * @memberof module:@ui5/fs
class AbstractReader {
	 * The constructor.
	 * @public
	constructor() {
		if (new.target === AbstractReader) {
			throw new TypeError("Class 'AbstractReader' is abstract");

	 * Locates resources by matching glob patterns.
	 * @example
	 * byGlob("**‏/*.{html,htm}");
	 * byGlob("**‏/.library");
	 * byGlob("/pony/*");
	 * @public
	 * @param {string|string[]} virPattern glob pattern as string or array of glob patterns for
	 * 										virtual directory structure
	 * @param {object} [options] glob options
	 * @param {boolean} [options.nodir=true] Do not match directories
	 * @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/fs.Resource[]>} Promise resolving to list of resources
	byGlob(virPattern, options = {nodir: true}) {
		const trace = new Trace(virPattern);
		return this._byGlob(virPattern, options, trace).then(function(result) {
			return result;
		}).then((resources) => {
			if (resources.length > 1) {
				// Pseudo randomize result order to prevent consumers from relying on it:
				// Swap the first object with a randomly chosen one
				const x = 0;
				const y = randomInt(0, resources.length - 1);
				// Swap object at index "x" with  "y"
				resources[x] = [resources[y], resources[y]=resources[x]][0];
			return resources;

	 * Locates resources by matching a given path.
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} virPath Virtual path
	 * @param {object} [options] Options
	 * @param {boolean} [options.nodir=true] Do not match directories
	 * @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/fs.Resource>} Promise resolving to a single resource
	byPath(virPath, options = {nodir: true}) {
		const trace = new Trace(virPath);
		return this._byPath(virPath, options, trace).then(function(resource) {
			return resource;

	 * Locates resources by one or more glob patterns.
	 * @abstract
	 * @protected
	 * @param {string|string[]} virPattern glob pattern as string or an array of
	 *         glob patterns for virtual directory structure
	 * @param {object} options glob options
	 * @param {module:@ui5/fs.tracing.Trace} trace Trace instance
	 * @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/fs.Resource[]>} Promise resolving to list of resources
	_byGlob(virPattern, options, trace) {
		throw new Error("Not implemented");

	 * Locate resources by matching a single glob pattern.
	 * @abstract
	 * @protected
	 * @param {string} pattern glob pattern
	 * @param {object} options glob options
	 * @param {module:@ui5/fs.tracing.Trace} trace Trace instance
	 * @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/fs.Resource[]>} Promise resolving to list of resources
	_runGlob(pattern, options, trace) {
		throw new Error("Not implemented");

	 * Locates resources by path.
	 * @abstract
	 * @protected
	 * @param {string} virPath Virtual path
	 * @param {object} options Options
	 * @param {module:@ui5/fs.tracing.Trace} trace Trace instance
	 * @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/fs.Resource>} Promise resolving to a single resource
	_byPath(virPath, options, trace) {
		throw new Error("Not implemented");

module.exports = AbstractReader;