const log = require("@ui5/logger").getLogger("builder:processors:themeBuilder");
const path = require("path");
const less = require("less-openui5");
const Resource = require("@ui5/fs").Resource;
const libraryMatchPattern = /^\/resources\/(.*)\/themes\/[^/]*\/library\.source\.less$/i;
* Builds a library theme
* @public
* @memberof module:@ui5/builder.processors
class ThemeBuilder {
* Constructor
* @public
* @param {fs|module:@ui5/fs.fsInterface} fs Node fs or custom
* [fs interface]{@link module:resources/module:@ui5/fs.fsInterface}
constructor({fs}) {
this.builder = new less.Builder({fs});
* Starts the theme build
* @public
* @param {module:@ui5/fs.Resource[]} resources Library files
* @param {object} [options] Build options
* @param {boolean} [options.compress=false] Compress build output (CSS / JSON)
* @param {boolean} [options.cssVariables=false] Generates the CSS variables
* (css-variables.css, css-variables.source.less) and the skeleton for a theme
* (library-skeleton.css, [library-skeleton-RTL.css])
* @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/fs.Resource[]>} Resolving with array of created files
build(resources, {compress = false, cssVariables = false} = {}) {
const files = [];
const compile = (resource) => {
log.verbose("Compiling %s", resource.getPath());
let libraryName;
const libraryMatch = libraryMatchPattern.exec(resource.getPath());
if (libraryMatch) {
libraryName = libraryMatch[1].replace(/\//g, ".");
lessInputPath: resource.getPath(),
library: {
name: libraryName
compiler: {
}).then((result) => {
const themeDir = path.dirname(resource.getPath());
const libCss = new Resource({
path: themeDir + "/library.css",
string: result.css
const libCssRtl = new Resource({
path: themeDir + "/library-RTL.css",
string: result.cssRtl
const libParams = new Resource({
path: themeDir + "/library-parameters.json",
string: JSON.stringify(result.variables, null, compress ? null : "\t")
files.push(libCss, libCssRtl, libParams);
if (cssVariables) {
const libCssVarsSource = new Resource({
path: themeDir + "/css_variables.source.less",
string: result.cssVariablesSource
const libCssVars = new Resource({
path: themeDir + "/css_variables.css",
string: result.cssVariables
const libCssSkel = new Resource({
path: themeDir + "/library_skeleton.css",
string: result.cssSkeleton
const libCssSkelRtl = new Resource({
path: themeDir + "/library_skeleton-RTL.css",
string: result.cssSkeletonRtl
files.push(libCssVarsSource, libCssVars, libCssSkel, libCssSkelRtl);
}, (err) => {
log.error(`Error while compiling ${resource.getPath()}: ${err.message}`);
throw err;
return Promise.all( => {
return files;
* Clears all cached build results
* @public
* Use this method to prevent high memory consumption when building many themes within the same process.
clearCache() {
* @public
* @typedef {object} ThemeBuilderOptions
* @property {boolean} [compress=false] Compress build output (CSS / JSON)
* @property {boolean} [cssVariables=false] Generates the CSS variables
* (css-variables.css, css-variables.source.less) and the skeleton for a theme
* (library-skeleton.css, [library-skeleton-RTL.css])
* Builds a library theme.
* @public
* @alias module:@ui5/builder.processors.themeBuilder
* @param {object} parameters Parameters
* @param {module:@ui5/fs.Resource[]} parameters.resources List of <code>library.source.less</code>
* resources to be processed
* @param {fs|module:@ui5/fs.fsInterface} parameters.fs Node fs or custom
* [fs interface]{@link module:resources/module:@ui5/fs.fsInterface}
* @param {ThemeBuilderOptions} [parameters.options] Options
* @returns {Promise<module:@ui5/fs.Resource[]>} Promise resolving with theme resources
module.exports = async function({
options = {}
}) {
const {compress, cssVariables} = /** @type {ThemeBuilderOptions} */ (options);
const themeBuilder = new ThemeBuilder({fs});
return, {
}).then((files) => {
return files;
module.exports.ThemeBuilder = ThemeBuilder;