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UI5 Workspaces


UI5 Workspaces is a new feature available since UI5 CLI v3.0.0


specVersion: workspace/1.0
    name: default
        - path: ../heavy.library

General Concept

UI5 Workspaces can be used to create a personalized local development environment for a UI5 project. They allow to use UI5 dependencies from local directories without the need to use the link features of package managers like npm. "UI5 dependencies" generally refers to projects that have a ui5.yaml.

Workspaces are typically configured in a ui5-workspace.yaml file, located next to the project's ui5.yaml. The file can contain one or many workspace configurations, each separated by three dashes. For example:


specVersion: workspace/1.0
    name: default
        - path: ../heavy.library
specVersion: workspace/1.0
    name: extended
        - path: ../heavy.library
        - path: ../light.library
        - path: ../test.library

If a workspace configuration named default exists, it will be used automatically; otherwise the workspace must be specified using the UI5 CLI parameter --workspace.

Workspaces can only be used in the project that is currently being worked on, i.e. the current root project. Workspace configurations of dependencies are ignored. The workspace file, however, does not necessarily have to be located within the project. You can reference any workspace configuration file via the UI5 CLI parameter --workspace-config.

This concept has been discussed in an RFC: RFC 0006 Local Dependency Resolution


A UI5 Workspace configuration must define a specification version (specVersion) compatible with its configuration. For more information, see Workspace Specification Versions.

specVersion: "workspace/1.0"



specVersion: workspace/1.0
    name: dolphin


A workspace must have a name. This allows to easily switch between individual workspace configurations.

If a workspace is named default, it will be used automatically, unless a different workspace is selected using the --workspace CLI parameter.

The name property must satisfy the following conditions. They are identical to project names:

  • Must be at least 3 characters long
  • Must be no longer than 80 characters
  • Must contain lowercase characters only
  • Must contain alphanumeric characters, dash, underscore and period only
    • Exception: The @ and / characters are allowed at certain positions as explained below
  • Must start with an alphabetic character or an @ character
  • If it starts with an @ character, it must contain exactly one forward slash /
    • This is aligned with the npm concept for package scopes, for example @org/

Dependency Management

UI5 Workspace configurations allow to influence the dependency resolution when working with a UI5 project.


specVersion: workspace/1.0
    name: dolphin
        - path: ../light.library
        - path: ../heavy.library
        - path: ../test.library


        - path: ../test.library

Resolution paths will be used by UI5 Tooling to look for project dependencies. Any dependencies found via these paths will be used over the ones found with the regular dependency resolution mechanism. This includes UI5 Tooling extensions.

Paths must point to a directory containing a package.json. UI5 Tooling will attempt to find a UI5 project here. However, if the package.json contains a workspaces, or equivalently, ui5.workspaces configuration (which overrules the first), UI5 Tooling will resolve the workspace first and attempt to find UI5 projects in the configured "npm workspaces". This is commonly used in mono-repos. An example can be found in the OpenUI5 repository.

Paths must be written in POSIX (i.e. using only forward slashes / as path segment separators) and must be relative to the workspace configuration file. Absolute paths, or paths relative to the home directory (~), are not allowed. This is to ensure that workspace configuration files are easy to share and to reduce the chance of them exposing sensitive information like user names or large directory hierarchies. Symbolic links are followed.

Note that this configuration only affects the resolution of dependencies which have already been found during the regular dependency resolution process of a project. For example, if a workspace resolution path resolves to a project that would otherwise not be part of the dependency tree of the current root project, it will not be added to the dependency tree. Also, transitive dependencies of resolved projects are not being followed.

Workspace Specification Versions

A workspace configuration must define a Specification Version by setting the specVersion property. UI5 Tooling uses this information to detect whether the currently installed version is compatible with a workspace's configuration.

specVersion: "workspace/1.0"

To use new features, a workspace configuration might need to update the specVersion property.

For a given Specification Version "workspace/MAJOR.MINOR"" we will increment:

  1. MAJOR when there are breaking changes that might require additional actions by the project's maintainer
  2. MINOR when adding new features that are fully backward-compatible

All changes are documented below.

Compatibility Matrix

Unless otherwise noted in the table below, UI5 Tooling modules are backward-compatible.

Version UI5 CLI Release
workspace/1.0 v3.0.0+

Specification Version workspace/1.0

Initial version.

Specification Version workspace/1.0 configurations are compatible with UI5 CLI v3.0.0 and above.