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Consuming OpenUI5 Libraries

OpenUI5 consumption with UI5 Tooling is very similar to SAPUI5 consumption. Please refer to the documentation on Consuming SAPUI5 Libraries for a general description of how UI5 Tooling can fetch and provide framework dependencies to your project.

Note that projects using the SAPUI5 framework can depend on projects using the OpenUI5 framework. However, OpenUI5 projects can't depend on SAPUI5 projects.

Please also refer to our documentation on the differences between OpenUI5 and SAPUI5.


The minimum OpenUI5 version that can be consumed by UI5 Tooling is 1.52.5


Your project's ui5.yaml provides a configuration section dedicated to framework dependency handling.

This configuration can be maintained by editing the file, or by using the UI5 CLI:


Using the UI5 CLI:

ui5 use openui5@latest
ui5 add sap.ui.core sap.m sap.ui.table themelib_sap_fiori_3

Example ui5.yaml of an application

specVersion: "4.0"
type: application
  name: OpenUI5
  version: 1.76.0
    - name: sap.ui.core
    - name: sap.m
    - name: sap.ui.table
    - name: themelib_sap_fiori_3

Example ui5.yaml of a library

specVersion: "4.0"
type: library
  name: some.library
  name: OpenUI5
  version: 1.76.0
    - name: sap.ui.core
    - name: themelib_sap_belize
      optional: true
    - name: themelib_sap_bluecrystal
      optional: true
    - name: themelib_sap_fiori_3
      optional: true

Please make sure that your project defines Specification Version 2.0 or higher.

For details, please see the corresponding framework configuration documentation.

Linking Framework Dependencies

When working on UI5 applications or libraries that use OpenUI5, you can link a local OpenUI5 repository into that project. This allows you to make changes to the project itself as well as to the OpenUI5 libraries simultaneously and test them immediately.

A detailed step-by-step guide on how to achieve such a setup with the OpenUI5 Sample App can be found here.

OpenUI5 Framework Development

Please refer to the OpenUI5 Framework Development Documentation.