
import path from "node:path";
import Extension from "../Extension.js";
import {pathToFileURL} from "node:url";

 * Task
 * @public
 * @class
 * @alias @ui5/project/specifications/extensions/Task
 * @extends @ui5/project/specifications/Extension
 * @hideconstructor
class Task extends Extension {
	constructor(parameters) {

	/* === Attributes === */
	* @public
	async getTask() {
		return (await this._getImplementation()).task;

	* @public
	async getRequiredDependenciesCallback() {
		return (await this._getImplementation()).determineRequiredDependencies;

	/* === Internals === */
	 * @private
	async _getImplementation() {
		const taskPath = path.join(this.getRootPath(), this._config.task.path);
		const {default: task, determineRequiredDependencies} = await import(pathToFileURL(taskPath));
		return {
			task, determineRequiredDependencies

	 * @private
	async _validateConfig() {
		// TODO: Move to validator
		if (/--\d+$/.test(this.getName())) {
			throw new Error(`Task name must not end with '--<number>'`);
		// TODO: Check that paths exist

export default Task;