
import semver from "semver";

const SPEC_VERSION_PATTERN = /^\d+\.\d+$/;
	"0.1", "1.0", "1.1",
	"2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3", "2.4", "2.5", "2.6",
	"3.0", "3.1", "3.2"

 * Helper class representing a Specification Version. Featuring helper functions for easy comparison
 * of versions.
 * @public
 * @class
 * @alias @ui5/project/specifications/utils/SpecificationVersion
class SpecificationVersion {

	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version to use for all comparison operations
	 * @throws {Error} Throws if provided Specification Version is not supported by this version of @ui5/project
	constructor(specVersion) {
		this.#specVersion = specVersion;
		this.#semverVersion = getSemverCompatibleVersion(specVersion); // Throws for unsupported versions

	 * Returns the Specification Version
	 * @public
	 * @returns {string} Specification Version
	toString() {
		return this.#specVersion;

	 * Returns the major-version of the instance's Specification Version
	 * @public
	 * @returns {integer} Major version
	major() {
		return semver.major(this.#semverVersion);

	 * Returns the minor-version of the instance's Specification Version
	 * @public
	 * @returns {integer} Minor version
	minor() {
		return semver.minor(this.#semverVersion);

	 * Test whether the instance's Specification Version falls into the provided range
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} range [Semver]{@link}-style version range,
	 * for example <code>2.2 - 2.4</code> or <code>=3.0</code>
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the instance's Specification Version falls into the provided range
	satisfies(range) {
		return semver.satisfies(this.#semverVersion, range);

	 * Test whether the instance's Specification Version is greater than the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the instance's Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the instance's Specification Version is greater than the provided version
	gt(testVersion) {
		return handleSemverComparator(, this.#semverVersion, testVersion);

	 * Test whether the instance's Specification Version is greater than or equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the instance's Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the instance's Specification Version is greater than or equal to the provided version
	gte(testVersion) {
		return handleSemverComparator(semver.gte, this.#semverVersion, testVersion);

	 * Test whether the instance's Specification Version is smaller than the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the instance's Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the instance's Specification Version is smaller than the provided version
	lt(testVersion) {
		return handleSemverComparator(, this.#semverVersion, testVersion);

	 * Test whether the instance's Specification Version is smaller than or equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the instance's Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the instance's Specification Version is smaller than or equal to the provided version
	lte(testVersion) {
		return handleSemverComparator(semver.lte, this.#semverVersion, testVersion);

	 * Test whether the instance's Specification Version is equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the instance's Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the instance's Specification Version is equal to the provided version
	eq(testVersion) {
		return handleSemverComparator(semver.eq, this.#semverVersion, testVersion);

	 * Test whether the instance's Specification Version is not equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the instance's Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the instance's Specification Version is not equal to the provided version
	neq(testVersion) {
		return handleSemverComparator(semver.neq, this.#semverVersion, testVersion);

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version is supported by this version of @ui5/project
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the instance's Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version is supported
	static isSupportedSpecVersion(testVersion) {
		return SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.includes(testVersion);

	 * Returns the major-version of the provided Specification Version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @returns {integer} Major version
	static major(specVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
		return comparator.major();

	 * Returns the minor-version of the provided Specification Version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @returns {integer} Minor version
	static minor(specVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
		return comparator.minor();

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version falls into the provided range
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @param {string} range [Semver]{@link}-style version range,
	 * for example <code>2.2 - 2.4</code>
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version falls into the provided range
	static satisfies(specVersion, range) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
		return comparator.satisfies(range);

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version is greater than the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the provided Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version is greater than the provided version
	static gt(specVersion, testVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version is greater than or equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the provided Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version is greater than or equal to the provided version
	static gte(specVersion, testVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
		return comparator.gte(testVersion);

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version is smaller than the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the provided Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version is smaller than the provided version
	static lt(specVersion, testVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version is smaller than or equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the provided Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version is smaller than or equal to the provided version
	static lte(specVersion, testVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
		return comparator.lte(testVersion);

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version is equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the provided Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version is equal to the provided version
	static eq(specVersion, testVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
		return comparator.eq(testVersion);

	 * Test whether the provided Specification Version is not equal to the provided test version
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} specVersion Specification Version
	 * @param {string} testVersion A Specification Version to compare the provided Specification Version to
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the provided Specification Version is not equal to the provided version
	static neq(specVersion, testVersion) {
		const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
		return comparator.neq(testVersion);

	 * Creates an array of Specification Versions that match with the provided range. This is mainly used
	 * for testing purposes. I.e. to execute identical tests for a range of specification versions.
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} range [Semver]{@link}-style version range,
	 * for example <code>2.2 - 2.4</code> or <code>=3.0</code>
	 * @returns {string[]} Array of versions that match the specified range
	static getVersionsForRange(range) {
		return SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.filter((specVersion) => {
			const comparator = new SpecificationVersion(specVersion);
			return comparator.satisfies(range);

function getUnsupportedSpecVersionMessage(specVersion) {
	return `Unsupported Specification Version ${specVersion} defined. Your UI5 CLI installation might be outdated. ` +
		`For details, see`;

function getSemverCompatibleVersion(specVersion) {
	if (SpecificationVersion.isSupportedSpecVersion(specVersion)) {
		return specVersion + ".0";
	throw new Error(getUnsupportedSpecVersionMessage(specVersion));

function handleSemverComparator(comparator, baseVersion, testVersion) {
	if (SPEC_VERSION_PATTERN.test(testVersion)) {
		const a = baseVersion;
		const b = testVersion + ".0";
		return comparator(a, b);
	throw new Error("Invalid spec version expectation given in comparator: " + testVersion);

export default SpecificationVersion;

// Export local function for testing only
export const __localFunctions__ = (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test") ?
	{getSemverCompatibleVersion, handleSemverComparator} : /* istanbul ignore next */ undefined;