
import posixPath from "node:path/posix";

 * A {@link @ui5/fs/Resource Resource} with a different path than it's original
 * @public
 * @class
 * @alias @ui5/fs/ResourceFacade
class ResourceFacade {

	 * @public
	 * @param {object} parameters Parameters
	 * @param {string} parameters.path Virtual path of the facade resource
	 * @param {@ui5/fs/Resource} parameters.resource Resource to conceal
	constructor({path, resource}) {
		if (!path) {
			throw new Error("Unable to create ResourceFacade: Missing parameter 'path'");
		if (!resource) {
			throw new Error("Unable to create ResourceFacade: Missing parameter 'resource'");
		path = posixPath.normalize(path);
		if (!posixPath.isAbsolute(path)) {
			throw new Error(`Unable to create ResourceFacade: Parameter 'path' must be absolute: ${path}`);
		this.#path = path;
		this.#name = posixPath.basename(path);
		this.#resource = resource;

	 * Gets the resources path
	 * @public
	 * @returns {string} (Virtual) path of the resource
	getPath() {
		return this.#path;

	 * Gets the resource name
	 * @public
	 * @returns {string} Name of the resource
	getName() {
		return this.#name;

	 * Sets the resources path
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} path (Virtual) path of the resource
	setPath(path) {
		throw new Error(`The path of a ResourceFacade can't be changed`);

	 * Returns a clone of the resource. The clones content is independent from that of the original resource.
	 * A ResourceFacade becomes a Resource
	 * @public
	 * @returns {Promise<@ui5/fs/Resource>} Promise resolving with the clone
	async clone() {
		// Cloning resolves the facade
		const resourceClone = await this.#resource.clone();
		return resourceClone;

	 * ======================================================================
	 * Call through functions to original resource
	 * ======================================================================
	 * Gets a buffer with the resource content.
	 * @public
	 * @returns {Promise<Buffer>} Promise resolving with a buffer of the resource content.
	async getBuffer() {
		return this.#resource.getBuffer();

	 * Sets a Buffer as content.
	 * @public
	 * @param {Buffer} buffer Buffer instance
	setBuffer(buffer) {
		return this.#resource.setBuffer(buffer);

	 * Gets a string with the resource content.
	 * @public
	 * @returns {Promise<string>} Promise resolving with the resource content.
	getString() {
		return this.#resource.getString();

	 * Sets a String as content
	 * @public
	 * @param {string} string Resource content
	setString(string) {
		return this.#resource.setString(string);

	 * Gets a readable stream for the resource content.
	 * Repetitive calls of this function are only possible if new content has been set in the meantime (through
	 * [setStream]{@link @ui5/fs/Resource#setStream}, [setBuffer]{@link @ui5/fs/Resource#setBuffer}
	 * or [setString]{@link @ui5/fs/Resource#setString}). This
	 * is to prevent consumers from accessing drained streams.
	 * @public
	 * @returns {stream.Readable} Readable stream for the resource content.
	getStream() {
		return this.#resource.getStream();

	 * Sets a readable stream as content.
	 * @public
	 * @param {stream.Readable|@ui5/fs/Resource~createStream} stream Readable stream of the resource content or
															callback for dynamic creation of a readable stream
	setStream(stream) {
		return this.#resource.setStream(stream);

	 * Gets the resources stat info.
	 * Note that a resources stat information is not updated when the resource is being modified.
	 * Also, depending on the used adapter, some fields might be missing which would be present for a
	 * [fs.Stats]{@link https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats} instance.
	 * @public
	 * @returns {fs.Stats|object} Instance of [fs.Stats]{@link https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats}
	 *								or similar object
	getStatInfo() {
		return this.#resource.getStatInfo();

	 * Size in bytes allocated by the underlying buffer.
	 * @see {TypedArray#byteLength}
	 * @returns {Promise<number>} size in bytes, <code>0</code> if there is no content yet
	async getSize() {
		return this.#resource.getSize();

	 * Adds a resource collection name that was involved in locating this resource.
	 * @param {string} name Resource collection name
	pushCollection(name) {
		return this.#resource.pushCollection(name);

	 * Tracing: Get tree for printing out trace
	 * @returns {object} Trace tree
	getPathTree() {
		return this.#resource.getPathTree();

	 * Retrieve the project assigned to the resource
	 * <br/>
	 * <b>Note for UI5 Tooling extensions (i.e. custom tasks, custom middleware):</b>
	 * In order to ensure compatibility across UI5 Tooling versions, consider using the
	 * <code>getProject(resource)</code> method provided by
	 * [TaskUtil]{@link module:@ui5/project/build/helpers/TaskUtil} and
	 * [MiddlewareUtil]{@link module:@ui5/server.middleware.MiddlewareUtil}, which will
	 * return a Specification Version-compatible Project interface.
	 * @public
	 * @returns {@ui5/project/specifications/Project} Project this resource is associated with
	getProject() {
		return this.#resource.getProject();

	 * Assign a project to the resource
	 * @public
	 * @param {@ui5/project/specifications/Project} project Project this resource is associated with
	setProject(project) {
		return this.#resource.setProject(project);

	 * Check whether a project has been assigned to the resource
	 * @public
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the resource is associated with a project
	hasProject() {
		return this.#resource.hasProject();
	 * Check whether the content of this resource has been changed during its life cycle
	 * @public
	 * @returns {boolean} True if the resource's content has been changed
	isModified() {
		return this.#resource.isModified();

	 * Returns source metadata if any where provided during the creation of this resource.
	 * Typically set by an adapter to store information for later retrieval.
	 * @returns {object|null}
	getSourceMetadata() {
		return this.#resource.getSourceMetadata();

	 * Returns the resource concealed by this facade
	 * @returns {@ui5/fs/Resource}
	getConcealedResource() {
		return this.#resource;

export default ResourceFacade;