import {getLogger} from "@ui5/logger";
const log = getLogger("builder:tasks:generateLibraryManifest");
import manifestCreator from "../processors/manifestCreator.js";
* @public
* @module @ui5/builder/tasks/generateLibraryManifest
* Task for creating a library manifest.json from its .library file.
* @public
* @function default
* @static
* @param {object} parameters Parameters
* @param {@ui5/fs/DuplexCollection} parameters.workspace DuplexCollection to read and write files
* @param {@ui5/project/build/helpers/TaskUtil|object} [parameters.taskUtil] TaskUtil
* @param {object} parameters.options Options
* @param {string} parameters.options.projectName Project name
* @returns {Promise<undefined>} Promise resolving with <code>undefined</code> once data has been written
export default function({workspace, taskUtil, options: {projectName}}) {
// Note:
// *.library files are needed to identify libraries
// *.json files are needed to avoid overwriting them
// *.js files are needed to identify nested components
// *.less, *.css, *.theming and *.theme files are needed to identify supported themes
// *.properties to identify existence of i18n bundles (e.g.
return workspace.byGlob("/resources/**/*.{js,json,library,less,css,theming,theme,properties}").then((resources) => {
// Find all libraries and create a manifest.json file
return workspace.byGlob("/resources/**/.library").then((libraryIndicatorResources) => {
if (libraryIndicatorResources.length < 1) {
// No library found - nothing to do
log.verbose(`Could not find a ".library" file for project ${projectName}. ` +
`Skipping library manifest generation.`);
return Promise.all( => {
// Determine library namespace from library indicator file path
// ending with ".library"
// e.g. /resources/sap/foo/.library => sap/foo
const libraryNamespacePattern = /^\/resources\/(.*)\/\.library$/;
const libraryIndicatorPath = libraryIndicatorResource.getPath();
const libraryNamespaceMatch = libraryIndicatorPath.match(libraryNamespacePattern);
if (libraryNamespaceMatch && libraryNamespaceMatch[1]) {
const libraryNamespace = libraryNamespaceMatch[1];
return manifestCreator({
libraryResource: libraryIndicatorResource,
namespace: libraryNamespace,
getProjectVersion: (projectName) => {
return taskUtil?.getProject(projectName)?.getVersion();
options: {
}).then((manifest) => {
if (manifest) {
return workspace.write(manifest);
} else {
log.verbose(`Could not determine library namespace from file "${libraryIndicatorPath}" ` +
`for project ${projectName}. Skipping library manifest generation.`);
return Promise.resolve();