




constructor(document: any, platformId: Object, serverUrl?: string, serverOrigin?: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
document any No
platformId Object No
serverUrl string Yes
serverOrigin string Yes



Returns true when invoked in browser context. Use this method to check if you can access window and other browser globals.

Returns : boolean


Readonly document
Type : Document



Exposes global window object. In SSR when window is not available it returns undefined. To detect if you can safely use nativeWindow use isBrowser to check execution platform.

Returns : Window | undefined

Exposes global sessionStorage object. In SSR when sessionStorage is not available it returns undefined. To detect if you can safely use sessionStorage use isBrowser to check execution platform.


Exposes global localStorage object. In SSR when localStorage is not available it returns undefined. To detect if you can safely use localStorage use isBrowser to check execution platform.


Returns the window/document location, unless it's not available (i.e. SSR).

When there's no access to the location object, we mimic the location partially, by resolving the request url (SERVER_REQUEST_URL) and origin (SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN) from the injector. These values are injected in the server implementation so that we can resolve some of the location values when we do server side rendering.

Returns : Partial<Location>

Returns an observable for the window resize event and emits an event every 300ms in case of resizing. An event is simulated initially.

If there's no window object available (i.e. in SSR), a null value is emitted.

Returns : Observable<any>
import { DOCUMENT, isPlatformBrowser } from '@angular/common';
import { Inject, Injectable, Optional, PLATFORM_ID } from '@angular/core';
import { fromEvent, Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN, SERVER_REQUEST_URL } from '../util/ssr.tokens';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class WindowRef {
  readonly document: Document;

    @Inject(DOCUMENT) document: any,
    @Inject(PLATFORM_ID) protected platformId: Object,
    @Optional() @Inject(SERVER_REQUEST_URL) protected serverUrl?: string,
    @Optional() @Inject(SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN) protected serverOrigin?: string
  ) {
    this.document = document as Document;

   * Returns true when invoked in browser context.
   * Use this method to check if you can access `window` and other browser globals.
  isBrowser(): boolean {
    return isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId);

   * Exposes global `window` object. In SSR when `window` is not available it returns `undefined`.
   * To detect if you can safely use `nativeWindow` use `isBrowser` to check execution platform.
  get nativeWindow(): Window | undefined {
    // TODO(#11133): Consider throwing in SSR
    return this.isBrowser() ? window : undefined;

   * Exposes global `sessionStorage` object. In SSR when `sessionStorage` is not available it returns `undefined`.
   * To detect if you can safely use `sessionStorage` use `isBrowser` to check execution platform.
  get sessionStorage(): Storage | undefined {
    return this.nativeWindow ? this.nativeWindow.sessionStorage : undefined;

   * Exposes global `localStorage` object. In SSR when `localStorage` is not available it returns `undefined`.
   * To detect if you can safely use `localStorage` use `isBrowser` to check execution platform.
  get localStorage(): Storage | undefined {
    return this.nativeWindow ? this.nativeWindow.localStorage : undefined;

   * Returns the window/document location, unless it's not available (i.e. SSR).
   * When there's no access to the location object, we mimic the location partially, by resolving
   * the request url (`SERVER_REQUEST_URL`) and origin (`SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN`) from the injector.
   * These values are injected in the server implementation so that we can resolve some of the location
   * values when we do server side rendering.
  get location(): Partial<Location> {
    if (this.isBrowser()) {
      return this.document.location;
    } else {
      if (!this.serverUrl) {
        throw new Error(
          'Cannot resolve the href as the SERVER_REQUEST_URL is undefined'
      if (!this.serverOrigin) {
        throw new Error(
          'Cannot resolve the origin as the SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN is undefined'
      return {
        href: this.serverUrl,
        origin: this.serverOrigin,

   * Returns an observable for the window resize event and emits an event
   * every 300ms in case of resizing. An event is simulated initially.
   * If there's no window object available (i.e. in SSR), a null value is emitted.
  get resize$(): Observable<any> {
    if (!this.nativeWindow) {
      return of(null);
    } else {
      return fromEvent(this.nativeWindow, 'resize').pipe(
        startWith({ target: this.nativeWindow }),

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