
Note: Spartacus 2.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

FSA Spartacus schematics allow you to install FSA Spartacus libraries in your project. The following sections describe what the FSA Spartacus schematics do, and also provide information about the various options and commands you can use with the schematics. If you are a developer and are looking for more technical information, see the README in the Spartacus schematics project.


Before using Spartacus schematics, ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • Your Angular CLI is on version 9.1 or higher, < 10.0.
  • Your application is using Angular 9 or higher, < 10.0.
  • Your Node version is less than or equal to version 13.

Adding FSA Spartacus Libraries to Your Angular Project

You can add FSA Spartacus libraries to your Angular project by running the following command from your project root:

ng add @spartacus/fsa-schematics

The following is a description of the various options you can use with the ng add @spartacus/fsa-schematics command:

  • baseUrl sets the base URL of your CX OCC back end.
  • baseSite is a comma-separated list of base site(s) to use with Spartacus.
  • currency is a comma-separated list of currencies to use in Spartacus.
  • language is a comma-separated list of languages to use in Spartacus.
  • occPrefix sets the OCC API prefix, such as /occ/v2/, for example.
  • clientId used to authorize financial user. Default value is: financial_customer
  • clientSecret used to authorize financial user. Default value is: secret
  • consignmentTracking sets consignment tracking on or off. Default value is: true
  • overwriteAppComponent overwrites the content of app.component.html. The default value is true.

Note: Default values will be applied if no option is passed to ng add @spartacus/fsa-schematics command.

To have a clear picture on how some of these properties can be used, user can enter the following command that sets baseSite(s), currency(ies), and language(s):

ng add @spartacus/fsa-schematics --baseSite=sample-financial-site --currency=usd,eur --language=en,de,fr

How FSA Spartacus Schematics Work

When you run ng add @spartacus/fsa-schematics, the command does the following:

  1. Adds the required dependencies.
  2. Imports the FSA Spartacus modules in the app.module and sets up the default configuration:
       backend: {
         occ: {
           prefix: '/occ/v2/',
           baseUrl: 'https://yourUrl:9002' // this is the baseUrl you entered when prompted via ng add @spartacus/fsa-schematics command
       context: {
         baseSite: [
         language: ['en', 'de'],
         currency: ['EUR'],
         urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'],
       authentication: {
         client_id: 'financial_customer',
         client_secret: 'secret'
       features: {
         consignmentTracking: true,
  3. Imports FSA Spartacus styles to styles.scss: shell @import '~@spartacus/fsa-styles/index