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Development Setup


  • Python 3.10
  • postgreSQL
  • gcc g++ libffi-dev python3-dev libpq-dev
  • Docker & Docker-compose


You can setup everything and install the dependencies by running:

make setup
make dev-setup

This is necessary only the first time you set up your dev. environment.

Afterwards, you will just have to set the environment variables using the .env file and sourcing it with:

set -a; source .env; set +a

You can configure prospector from CLI or from the config.yaml file. The (recommended) API Keys for Github and the NVD can be configured from the .env file (which must then be sourced with set -a; source .env; set +a)

If at any time you wish to use a different version of the python interpreter, beware that the requirements.txt file contains the exact versioning for python 3.10.6.

If you have issues with these steps, please open a Github issue and explain in detail what you did and what unexpected behaviour you observed (also indicate your operating system and Python version).


this project adopts black for code formatting. You may want to configure your editor so that autoformatting is enforced "on save". The pre-commit hook ensures that black is run prior to committing anyway, but the auto-formatting might save you some time and avoid frustration.

If you use VSCode, this can be achieved by pasting these lines in your configuration file:

    "python.formatting.provider": "black",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,

Starting the backend database and the job workers

If you run the client without running the backend you will get a warning and have slower response times when making multiple queries.

You can then start the necessary containers with the following command:

make docker-setup

This also starts a convenient DB administration tool at http://localhost:8080

If you wish to cleanup docker to run a fresh version of the backend you can run:

make docker-clean

Starting the RESTful server

uvicorn api.main:app --reload

Note, that it requires POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_PORT, POSTGRES_DBNAME to be set in the .env file.

You can then point your browser to to access the API. You might also want to take a look at

Alternatively, you can execute the RESTful server explicitly with:

python api/

which is equivalent but more convenient for debugging.

Running the CLI version

The script also containerize the CLI version of the tool. To execute Prospector outside of the docker container run python cli/


Prospector makes use of pytest.


before using it please make sure to have running instances of the backend and the database.

Found a Bug?

If you find a bug, please open an issue. If you can also fix the bug, please create a pull request (make sure it includes a test case that passes with your correction but fails without it)