OData @ SAP - Vocabularies

CodeList Vocabulary

Namespace: com.sap.vocabularies.CodeList.v1

Terms for Code Lists


Term Type Description
CurrencyCodes CodeListSource An entity set containing the code list for currencies
UnitsOfMeasure CodeListSource An entity set containing the code list for units of measure
StandardCode (Experimental) PropertyPath Property containing standard code values
ExternalCode (Experimental) PropertyPath Property containing code values that can be used for visualization
The annotated property contains values that are not intended for visualization and should thus stay hidden from end-users. Instead the values of the referenced properties are used for visualization.
IsConfigurationDeprecationCode Boolean Property contains a Configuration Deprecation Code
The Configuration Deprecation Code indicates whether a code list value is valid (deprecation code is empty/space), deprecated (deprecation code W), or revoked (deprecation code E).


An entity set containing the code list for currencies

Property Type Description
Url URL URL of a CSDL document describing an entity set for a code list
CollectionPath String Name of the entity set for the code list