Deploys an application to Cloud Foundry
Deploys an application to a test or production space within Cloud Foundry. This step supports two deployment types:
- in a standard way
- in a zero-downtime manner using a blue-green deployment approach
The step achieves this via following deploy tools * cf CLI - used as default for Non MTA apps * MTA CF CLI Plugin - used as default for MTA apps
We recommend to define values of step parameters via .pipeline/config.yml file.
In this case, calling the step is essentially reduced to defining the step name.
Calling the step can be done either in an orchestrator specific way (e.g. via a Jenkins library step) or on the command line.
cloudFoundryDeploy script: this
piper cloudFoundryDeploy
Output type | Details |
influx | measurement deployment_data
Additional Hints¶
Standard CF deployments¶
parameter defaults to value standard
This means that CF CLI is called by piper and command cf push
is run by piper
Blue green deployments¶
- Blue green deployments are deprecated, but rolling deployment strategy is supported.
- For rolling deployment strategy , set parameter
cfNativeDeployParameters:'--strategy rolling'
With MTA CF CLI Plugin for MTA applications
The Multiapps Plugin offers 2 different strategies:
- Blue-Green Deployment Strategy - where the production environments are called “live” and “idle” during deployment. This strategy is activated with
mtaDeployParameters: --strategy blue-green --skip-testing-phase
. After deployment, appnames are not appeneded by any suffix like-live
. - Legacy Blue-Green Deployment - where the productive environments are called “blue” and “green. Activated by
. After deployment, appnames are appeneded by suffix like-blue
Following table summarizes the different combinations of the step parameters deployType
and deployTool
and their impact.
Parameter buildTool
is used to differentiate between MTA and Non MTA applications. If buildTool
is not available in the environment, user will have to provide deployTool
Deployment Strategy Comparison¶
This table compares deployment strategies for MTA and Non-MTA applications.
deployType | MTA Applications | Non MTA Applications |
standard | deployTool = mtaDeployPlugin Uses MTA plugin, Command run cf deploy |
deployTool = cf_native cf CLI used Command cf push Requires Manifest file and app name appname can be provided via config or manifest file. |
blue-green | deployTool = mtaDeployPlugin, Uses MTA plugin Command run cf deploy bgdeploy |
Deprecated. Alternative: Rolling deployment strategy by setting cfNativeDeployParameters = '--strategy rolling' |
deployDockerImage not supported | deployDockerImage supported Docker credentials can only be provided as Jenkins environment variable. |
!!! note
- Due to an incompatible change in the Cloud Foundry CLI, multiple buildpacks are not supported by this step.
If your
contains a list ofbuildpacks
instead of a singlebuildpack
, this will be automatically re-written by the step when blue-green deployment is used. - Cloud Foundry supports the deployment of multiple applications using a single manifest file.
This option is supported with project "Piper".
In this case, define
appName: ''
since the app name for the individual applications has to be defined via the manifest. You can find details in the Cloud Foundry Documentation - Recommended way to do docker image deployments is via kubernetesDeploy Piper step.This step is not capable of deploying docker images built in the same pipeline using other piper steps[i.e., kanikoExecute].
- Cloud Foundry organization, space and deployment users are available
- Credentials for deployment have been configured in Jenkins or Vault.
Overview - Step¶
Name | Mandatory | Additional information |
org | yes | |
password | (yes) | cfCredentialsId ) |
script | (yes) | |
space | yes | |
username | (yes) | cfCredentialsId ) |
apiEndpoint | no | |
appName | no | |
artifactVersion | no | |
buildTool | no | |
cfHome | no | |
cfNativeDeployParameters | no | |
cfPluginHome | no | |
commitHash | no | |
deployDockerImage | no | |
deployTool | no | |
deployType | no | |
dockerPassword | no | dockerCredentialsId ) |
dockerUsername | no | dockerCredentialsId ) |
keepOldInstance | no | |
loginParameters | no | |
manifest | no | |
manifestVariables | no | |
manifestVariablesFiles | no | |
mtaDeployParameters | no | |
mtaExtensionCredentials | no | |
mtaExtensionDescriptor | no | |
mtaPath | no | |
verbose | no | activates debug output |
Overview - Execution Environment¶
Orchestrator-specific only
These parameters are relevant for orchestrator usage and not considered when using the command line option.
Name | Mandatory | Additional information |
containerCommand | no | |
containerShell | no | |
dockerEnvVars | no | |
dockerImage | no | |
dockerName | no | |
dockerOptions | no | |
dockerPullImage | no | |
dockerVolumeBind | no | |
dockerWorkspace | no |
Cloud Foundry API endpoint
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - cfApiEndpoint - cloudFoundry/apiEndpoint (deprecated) |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines the name of the application to be deployed to the Cloud Foundry space
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - cfAppName - cloudFoundry/appName (deprecated) |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_appName (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
The artifact version, used for influx reporting
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_artifactVersion (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | commonPipelineEnvironment: reference to: artifactVersion |
Defines the tool which is used for building the artifact. If provided, deployTool
is automatically derived from it. For MTA projects, deployTool
defaults to mtaDeployPlugin
. For other projects cf_native
will be used.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_buildTool (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | commonPipelineEnvironment: reference to: buildTool |
The cf home folder used by the cf cli. If not provided the default assumed by the cf cli is used.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_cfHome (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Additional parameters passed to cf native deployment command
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_cfNativeDeployParameters (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
The cf plugin home folder used by the cf cli. If not provided the default assumed by the cf cli is used.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_cfPluginHome (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
The commit hash, used for influx reporting
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_commitHash (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | commonPipelineEnvironment: reference to: git/headCommitId |
Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.
Kubernetes only: Allows to specify start command for container created with dockerImage parameter to overwrite Piper default (/usr/bin/tail -f /dev/null).
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.
Allows to specify the shell to be executed for container with containerName.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Docker image deployments are supported via manifest file in general. If no manifest is used, this parameter defines the image to be deployed. The specified name of the image is passed to the --docker-image
parameter of the cf CLI and must adhere it's naming pattern (e.g. REPO/IMAGE:TAG). See cf CLI documentationxx
for details. Note: The used Docker registry must be visible for the targeted Cloud Foundry instance.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_deployDockerImage (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines the tool which should be used for deployment. Mandatory if buildTool
is not found in pipeline environment
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_deployTool (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines the type of deployment -standard
or blue-green
deployment. For mta build tool, possible values are standard
, blue-green
or bg-deploy
. For cf native build tools, possible value is standard
. To eliminate system downtime, an alternative is to pass '--strategy rolling' to the parameter cfNativeDeployParameters
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | standard |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Environment variables to set in the container, e.g. [http_proxy: "proxy:8080"].
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | map[string]string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Name of the docker image that should be used. If empty, Docker is not used and the command is executed directly on the Jenkins system.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | ppiper/cf-cli:latest |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Kubernetes only: Name of the container launching dockerImage. SideCar only: Name of the container in local network.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | cfDeploy |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Docker options to be set when starting the container.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | []string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | [{--ulimit stack=67108864:67108864} {--ulimit nofile=65536:65536}] |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
If the specified image in deployDockerImage
is contained in a Docker registry, which requires authorization, this defines the password to be used.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_dockerPassword (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | Jenkins credential id: id: dockerCredentialsId reference to: password |
Set this to 'false' to bypass a docker image pull. Useful during development process. Allows testing of images which are available in the local registry only.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | bool |
Mandatory | no |
Default | true |
Possible values | - true - false |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
If the specified image in deployDockerImage
is contained in a Docker registry, which requires authorization, this defines the username to be used.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_dockerUsername (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | Jenkins credential id: id: dockerCredentialsId reference to: username |
Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.
Volumes that should be mounted into the docker container.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | map[string]string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.
Kubernetes only: Specifies a dedicated user home directory for the container which will be passed as value for environment variable HOME
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
If this option is set to true the old instance will remain stopped in the Cloud Foundry space."
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | bool |
Mandatory | no |
Default | false |
Possible values | - true - false |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Addition command line options for cf login command. No escaping/quoting is performed. Not recommended for productive environments.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_loginParameters (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines the manifest file name to be used for deployment to Cloud Foundry. Defaults to manifest.yml
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - cfManifest - cloudFoundry/manifest (deprecated) |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_manifest (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines a list of variables in the form key=value
which are used for variable substitution
within the file given by manifest.
This can be used to set variables like it is provided by 'cf push --var key=value'.
Note: variables defined via 'manifestVariables' always win over conflicting variables defined via any file given by 'manifestVariablesFiles' - no matter what is declared before. This is the same behavior as can be observed when using 'cf push --var' in combination with 'cf push --vars-file'."
- 'key1=value1'
- 'key2=value2'
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - cfManifestVariables - cloudFoundry/manifestVariables (deprecated) |
Type | []string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_manifestVariables (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
path(s) of the Yaml file(s) containing the variable values to use as a replacement in the manifest file. The order of the files is relevant in case there are conflicting variable names and values within variable files. In such a case, the values of the last file win.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - cfManifestVariablesFiles - cloudFoundry/manifestVariablesFiles (deprecated) |
Type | []string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | - manifest-variables.yml |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Additional parameters passed to mta deployment command
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | -f |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines a map of credentials that need to be replaced in the mtaExtensionDescriptor
. This map needs to be created as value-to-be-replaced
. The placeholders in the extension descriptor file(s) looks like: <%= value-to-be-replaced %>
. When used outside Jenkins the secret which corresponds to id-of-a-credential-in-jenkins
needs to be provided as environment variable in screaming snake case, e.g.: export ID_OF_A_CREDENTIAL_IN_JENKINS=<secret>
. id-of-a-credential-in-jenkins
needs to be provided in a way so that it can be translated into a valid environment variable name (e.g. don't start with a number). value-to-be-replaced
must match this regex: ^[-_A-Za-z0-9]+$
Scope | Details |
Aliases | cloudFoundry/mtaExtensionCredentials (deprecated) |
Type | map[string]interface{} |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_mtaExtensionCredentials (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines additional extension descriptor file for deployment with the mtaDeployPlugin
Scope | Details |
Aliases | cloudFoundry/mtaExtensionDescriptor (deprecated) |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_mtaExtensionDescriptor (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Defines the path to *.mtar for deployment with the mtaDeployPlugin
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_mtaPath (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | commonPipelineEnvironment: reference to: mtarFilePath |
Cloud Foundry target organization.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - cfOrg - cloudFoundry/org (deprecated) |
Type | string |
Mandatory | yes |
Default | $PIPER_org (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | yes |
Default | $PIPER_password (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | Jenkins credential id: id: cfCredentialsId reference to: password Vault resource: name: cloudfoundryVaultSecretName default value: cloudfoundry-$(org)-$(space) Vault paths:
The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the this
parameter, as in script: this
. This allows the function to access the commonPipelineEnvironment
for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | Jenkins Script |
Mandatory | yes |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Cloud Foundry target space
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - cfSpace - cloudFoundry/space (deprecated) |
Type | string |
Mandatory | yes |
Default | $PIPER_space (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
User name used for deployment
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | yes |
Default | $PIPER_username (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | Jenkins credential id: id: cfCredentialsId reference to: username Vault resource: name: cloudfoundryVaultSecretName default value: cloudfoundry-$(org)-$(space) Vault paths:
verbose output
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | bool |
Mandatory | no |
Default | false |
Possible values | - true - false |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Jenkins 'Username with password' credentials ID containing user and password to authenticate to the Cloud Foundry API.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | cloudFoundry/credentialsId (deprecated) |
Type | string |
Configuration scope |
Jenkins 'Username with password' credentials ID containing user and password to authenticate to the Docker registry.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Configuration scope |