This step creates a Target Vector for software lifecycle operations
This step takes the Product Version and the corresponding list of Software Component Versions from the addonDescriptor in the commonPipelineEnvironment.
With these it creates a Target Vector, which is necessary for executing software lifecylce operations in ABAP Cloud Platform systems.
The Target Vector describes the software state, which shall be reached in the managed ABAP Cloud Platform system.
For logon you can either provide a credential with basic authorization (username and password) or two secret text credentials containing the technical s-users certificate (see note 2805811 for download) as base64 encoded string and the password to decrypt the file
For Terminology refer to the Scenario Description.
We recommend to define values of step parameters via .pipeline/config.yml file.
In this case, calling the step is essentially reduced to defining the step name.
Calling the step can be done either in an orchestrator specific way (e.g. via a Jenkins library step) or on the command line.
abapAddonAssemblyKitCreateTargetVector script: this
piper abapAddonAssemblyKitCreateTargetVector
Output type | Details |
commonPipelineEnvironment |
- The credentials to access the AAKaaS (Technical Communication User) must be stored in the Jenkins Credential Store
- Product Version name and the resolved version(version, spslevel and patchlevel) must be part of the addonDescriptor structure in Piper commonPipelineEnvironment. This is the case if the step abapAddonAssemblyKitCheckPV has been executed before.
- For each Software Component Version which should be part of the Target Vector, the name and the resolved version(version, splevel and patchlevel) as well as the Delivery Package must be part of the addonDescriptor structure in Piper commonPipelineEnvironment. This is the case if the step abapAddonAssemblyKitCheckCVs has been executed before.
- The Delivery Packages must exist in the package registry (status "P" = planned) which is the case if step abapAddonAssemblyKitReserveNextPackages has been executed before. Alternatively the package can already exist as physical packages (status "L" = locked or "R" = released).
A detailed description of all prerequisites of the scenario and how to configure them can be found in the Scenario Description.
Overview - Step¶
Name | Mandatory | Additional information |
addonDescriptor | yes | |
script | (yes) | |
abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificateFile | no | abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificateFileCredentialsId ) |
abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificatePass | no | abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificatePassCredentialsId ) |
abapAddonAssemblyKitEndpoint | no | |
abapAddonAssemblyKitOriginHash | no | |
password | no | |
username | no | |
verbose | no | activates debug output |
Overview - Execution Environment¶
Orchestrator-specific only
These parameters are relevant for orchestrator usage and not considered when using the command line option.
Name | Mandatory | Additional information |
base64 encoded certificate pfx file (PKCS12 format) see note 2805811
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificateFile (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | Jenkins credential id: id: abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificateFileCredentialsId reference to: abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificateFile |
password to decrypt the certificate file
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificatePass (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | Jenkins credential id: id: abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificatePassCredentialsId reference to: abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificatePass |
Base URL to the Addon Assembly Kit as a Service (AAKaaS) system
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | https://apps.support.sap.com |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Origin Hash for restricted AAKaaS scenarios
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_abapAddonAssemblyKitOriginHash (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Structure in the commonPipelineEnvironment containing information about the Product Version and corresponding Software Component Versions
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | yes |
Default | $PIPER_addonDescriptor (if set) |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | commonPipelineEnvironment: reference to: abap/addonDescriptor |
Password for the Addon Assembly Kit as a Service (AAKaaS) system
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_password (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the this
parameter, as in script: this
. This allows the function to access the commonPipelineEnvironment
for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | Jenkins Script |
Mandatory | yes |
Default | |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
User for the Addon Assembly Kit as a Service (AAKaaS) system
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Mandatory | no |
Default | $PIPER_username (if set) |
Secret | yes |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
verbose output
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | bool |
Mandatory | no |
Default | false |
Possible values | - true - false |
Secret | no |
Configuration scope |
Resource references | none |
Credential stored in Jenkins for the Addon Assembly Kit as a Service (AAKaaS) system
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Configuration scope |
Jenkins secret text credential ID containing the base64 encoded certificate pfx file (PKCS12 format) see note 2805811
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Configuration scope |
Jenkins secret text credential ID containing the password to decrypt the certificate file stored in abapAddonAssemblyKitCertificateFileCredentialsId
Scope | Details |
Aliases | - |
Type | string |
Configuration scope |
Configuration in the config.yml¶
The recommended way to configure your pipeline is via the config.yml file. In this case, calling the step in the Jenkinsfile is reduced to one line:
abapAddonAssemblyKitCreateTargetVector script: this
If the step is to be configured individually the config.yml should look like this:
abapAddonAssemblyKitCredentialsId: 'abapAddonAssemblyKitCredentialsId'
More convenient ways of configuration (e.g. on stage level) are described in the respective scenario/pipeline documentation.