
A framework for defining ratings for open source projects. In particular, the framework offers a security rating for open source projects that may be used to assess the security risk that comes with open source components.

View the Project on GitHub SAP/fosstars-rating-core


For demo purposes, let’s define a very simple security rating for an open source project. The rating is going to contain 4 features and 2 scores.


First, let’s define a set of features F = { f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4] }:

  1. f[1] tells if a security review has been done for a project. The value can be yes or no (boolean). Yes means that at least one security review has been done, no means that no security review has ever been done.
  2. f[2] tells if static code analysis has been done for a project. The value can be yes or no (boolean). Yes means that static code analysis has been done, and all findings have been analyzed. No means that no static code analysis has ever been done.
  3. f[3] is a number of commits last month (a non-negative integer).
  4. f[4] is a number of contributors last month (a non-negative integer).


Next, let’s define a set of scores S = { s[1], s[2], s[3] }:

  1. s[1] is a security testing score that tells how well security testing is being done for a project.
  2. s[2] is a project activity score that tells how a project is active.
  3. s[3] is an overall security score that tells how good project security is.

Then, let’s define which features are used by the scores:

  1. The score s[1] uses the features f[1] and f[2], in other words F_s[1] = { f[1], f[2] }.
  2. The score s[2] uses the features f[3] and f[4], in other words F_s[2] = { f[3], f[4] }.
  3. The score s[3] uses the scores s[1] and s[2], in other words F_s[3] = { s[1], s[2] }.

Scoring functions

Now it’s time to describe the scoring functions.

For the security testing score, let’s define a scoring function as the following:

score[1] = SecurityTestingScore

def SecurityTestingScoreExample(
        security_review, static_code_analysis) {

    score = 0
    if security_review is yes then
        score = score + 5
    if static_code_analysis is yes then
        score = score + 5
    return score

For the project activity score, let’s define a scoring function as the following:

score[2] = ProjectActivityScore

def ProjectActivityScoreExample(
        commits_last_month, contributors_last_month) {

    score = 0
    if commits_last_month in (0, 10] then
        score = 2
    if commits_last_month in (10, 30] then
        score = 3
    if commits_last_month is more than 30 then
        score = 5
    if contributors_last_month in (0, 1] then
        score = score + 2
    if contributors_last_month in (1, 5] then
        score = score + 3
    if contributors_last_month is more than 5 then
        score = score + 5
    return score

Next, let’s define weights for the scores. Since we’re defining a security rating, then the security testing score may be more important than the project activity score. To address it in the rating, let’s set the weight for security testing score as w[1] = 0.7, and the weight for project activity score as w[2] = 0.3.

Then, for the overall security score, let’s define a scoring function as the following:

rating = score[3] = SecurityTestingScore

def SecurityTestingScoreExample(
      security_testing_score, project_activity_score) {

  weighted_sum = w[1] * security_testing_score
               + w[2] * project_activity_score
  return weighted_sum / (w[1] + w[2])


Then, let’s define a set of labels L that describe the security score:

L = { Awful, Good, Awesome }


Finally, let’s define a function that maps a security score value to one of the labels:

label = SecurityRatingExample

def SecurityRatingExample(r) {
    if r in [0, 3) then
        return Awful
    if r in [3, 8) then
        return Okay
    if r in [8, 10] then
        return Awesome


The implementation of the rating above can be found here:

Next: Quality assurance