Kustomize Generator

A resource generator for kustomizations

This generator allows to generate the manifests of the component’s resources from a given kustomization. As a special case, one or more simple Kubernetes manifests (without a kustomization.yaml) are supported as well. In addition, all (or selected; see below) files in the kustomization directory can be templatized in a helm’ish way. That means, they will be considered as a common template group (where all templates are associated with each other), and the same template function set that is available on Helm can be used; so, all the sprig functions, and custom functions such as include, tpl, lookup can be used. In addition:

  • parameterless functions namespace and name are defined, which return the corresponding arguments passed to Generate()
  • a function kubernetesVersion is available, which returns the version information of the target cluster, as a version.Info structure.

In the generation step, first, all the go templates will be rendered, and the result of this pre-step will be passed to kustomize.

A kustomize generator can be instantiated by calling the following constructor:

package kustomize

func NewKustomizeGenerator(
  fsys fs.FS,
  kustomizationPath string,
  clnt client.Client,
  options KustomizeGeneratorOptions
) (*KustomizeGenerator, error) {


  • fsys must be an implementation of fs.FS, such as embed.FS; or it can be passed as nil; then, all file operations will be executed on the current OS filesystem.
  • kustomizationPath is the directory containing the (potentially templatized) kustomatization; if fsys was provided, this has to be a relative path; otherwise, it will be interpreted with respect to the OS filesystem (as an absolute path, or relative to the current working directory of the controller).
  • clnt should be a client for the local cluster (i.e. the cluster where the component object exists).
  • options allows to tweak the generator:
    package kustomize
    type KustomizeGeneratorOptions struct {
      // If defined, only files with that suffix will be subject to templating.
      TemplateSuffix *string
      // If defined, the given left delimiter will be used to parse go templates;
      // otherwise, defaults to '{{'
      LeftTemplateDelimiter *string
      // If defined, the given right delimiter will be used to parse go templates;
      // otherwise, defaults to '}}'
      RightTemplateDelimiter *string

As of now, the specified kustomization must not reference files or paths outside kustomizationPath. Remote references are generally not supported.