Uses of Package
Packages that use
Classes in used by generic OData exception.
Its sub-types will be thrown in the following scenarios:ODataSerializationException
If entity cannot be serialized for HTTP request.ODataConnectionException
When the HTTP connection cannot be established.ODataRequestException
When the OData request could not be sent due to a generic reason.ODataResponseException
If the response code infers an unhealthy state, i.e. when >= 400ODataDeserializationException
When deserialization process failed for the OData response object.ODataServiceErrorException
If the response contains an OData error in the payload.Generic OData request exception indicating errors while trying to request a service resource.A genericODataException
representing an erroneous service response.OData error to serve the standard specification.Interface that resembles which information OData errors must contain and which information is optional. -
Classes in used by
Classes in used by generic OData exception.
Its sub-types will be thrown in the following scenarios:ODataSerializationException
If entity cannot be serialized for HTTP request.ODataConnectionException
When the HTTP connection cannot be established.ODataRequestException
When the OData request could not be sent due to a generic reason.ODataResponseException
If the response code infers an unhealthy state, i.e. when >= 400ODataDeserializationException
When deserialization process failed for the OData response object.ODataServiceErrorException
If the response contains an OData error in the payload.