Interface TenantFacade

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultTenantFacade, DwcTenantFacade
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface TenantFacade
Facade for accessing the current Tenant.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a Try of the current Tenant.
  • Method Details

    • tryGetCurrentTenant

      @Nonnull io.vavr.control.Try<Tenant> tryGetCurrentTenant()
      Returns a Try of the current Tenant.

      On SAP Business Technology Platform, the availability of a tenant is defined as follows:

      Tenant available Tenant not available
      SAP Business Technology Platform Cloud Foundry A request is present with an "Authorization" header that contains a valid JWT bearer with field "app_tid", "zid", or "zone_uuid" (legacy).
      As a fallback a JWT will be retrieved from a bound XSUAA instance.
      A request is not available, no "Authorization" header is present in the current request, the JWT bearer does not hold a field "app_tid", "zid", or "zone_uuid" (legacy), or there is no XSUAA service bound to this application.
      A Try of the current Tenant.