Class ResilienceDecorator


public final class ResilienceDecorator extends Object
Accessor class for decorating functions with resilient properties.
  • Constructor Details

    • ResilienceDecorator

      public ResilienceDecorator()
  • Method Details

    • getDecorationStrategy

      @Nonnull public static ResilienceDecorationStrategy getDecorationStrategy()
      Returns the ResilienceDecorationStrategy that will be used to decorate resilient code,
      The ResilienceDecorationStrategy that will be used to decorate resilient code.
    • setDecorationStrategy

      public static void setDecorationStrategy(@Nonnull ResilienceDecorationStrategy decorationStrategy)
      Sets the ResilienceDecorationStrategy that will be used to decorate resilient code.
      decorationStrategy - The ResilienceDecorationStrategy that will be used to decorate resilient code.
    • resetDecorationStrategy

      public static void resetDecorationStrategy()
      Resets the decoration strategy to its default.
    • clearCache

      public static void clearCache(@Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration)
      Clears the cache associated with the given ResilienceConfiguration if any exists. This method respects tenant/principal isolation according to the ResilienceIsolationMode as well as parameter isolation.
      To clear all cache entries for all tenants, principals, and parameters, use clearAllCacheEntries(ResilienceConfiguration) instead.
      configuration - The ResilienceConfiguration the cache is attached to.
    • clearCache

      public static void clearCache(@Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration, @Nonnull CacheFilter filter)
      Clears the cache associated with the given ResilienceConfiguration if any exists. Cache entries to clear are determined by applying the given filter. Each cache entry for which the cache filter matches, gets cleared from the cache.
      configuration - The ResilienceConfiguration the cache is attached to.
      filter - A CacheFilter to apply in order to select entries that should be cleared from the cache.
    • clearAllCacheEntries

      public static void clearAllCacheEntries(@Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration)
      Clears the entire cache associated with the given ResilienceConfiguration if any exists, independent of the specified ResilienceIsolationMode and defined parameters. Be aware that this operation affects all tenants and principals.
      Use clearCache(ResilienceConfiguration) to respect the tenant/principal and parameter isolation.
      configuration - The ResilienceConfiguration the cache is attached to.
    • decorateSupplier

      @Nonnull public static <T> Supplier<T> decorateSupplier(@Nonnull Supplier<T> supplier, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration)
      Decorate an instance of a supplier function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      supplier - The supplier.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      A decorated supplier.
    • executeSupplier

      @Nullable public static <T> T executeSupplier(@Nonnull Supplier<T> supplier, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration)
      Decorate and execute an instance of a supplier function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      supplier - The supplier.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      The value of the supplier.
    • decorateSupplier

      @Nonnull public static <T> Supplier<T> decorateSupplier(@Nonnull Supplier<T> supplier, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration, @Nullable Function<? super Throwable,T> fallbackFunction)
      Decorate an instance of a supplier function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      supplier - The supplier.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      fallbackFunction - In case of failure, execute this function.
      A decorated supplier.
    • executeSupplier

      @Nullable public static <T> T executeSupplier(@Nonnull Supplier<T> supplier, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration, @Nullable Function<? super Throwable,T> fallbackFunction)
      Decorate and execute an instance of a supplier function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      supplier - The supplier.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      fallbackFunction - In case of failure, execute this function.
      The value of the supplier.
    • decorateCallable

      @Nonnull public static <T> Callable<T> decorateCallable(@Nonnull Callable<T> callable, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration)
      Decorate an instance of a callable function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      callable - The callable.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      A decorated callable.
    • executeCallable

      @Nullable public static <T> T executeCallable(@Nonnull Callable<T> callable, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration) throws Exception
      Decorate and execute an instance of a callable function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      callable - The callable.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      The value returned by the callable.
      Exception - Exception that can be thrown by the callable.
    • decorateCallable

      @Nonnull public static <T> Callable<T> decorateCallable(@Nonnull Callable<T> callable, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration, @Nullable Function<? super Throwable,T> fallbackFunction)
      Decorate an instance of a callable function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      callable - The callable.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      fallbackFunction - In case of failure, execute this function.
      A decorated callable.
    • executeCallable

      @Nullable public static <T> T executeCallable(@Nonnull Callable<T> callable, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration, @Nullable Function<? super Throwable,T> fallbackFunction)
      Decorate and execute an instance of a callable function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      callable - The callable.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      fallbackFunction - (Optional) In case of failure, execute this function.
      The value returned by the callable.
    • queueCallable

      @Nonnull public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> queueCallable(@Nonnull Callable<T> callable, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration, @Nullable Function<? super Throwable,T> fallbackFunction)
      Decorate an instance of a callable function. Automatically schedule the asynchronous execution.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      callable - The callable.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      fallbackFunction - (Optional) In case of failure, execute this function.
      An instance of Future being executed asynchronously.
    • queueCallable

      @Nonnull public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> queueCallable(@Nonnull Callable<T> callable, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration)
      Decorate an instance of a callable function. Automatically schedule the asynchronous execution.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      callable - The callable.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      An instance of Future being executed asynchronously.
    • queueSupplier

      @Nonnull public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> queueSupplier(@Nonnull Supplier<T> supplier, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration, @Nullable Function<? super Throwable,T> fallbackFunction)
      Decorate an instance of a supplier function. Automatically schedule the asynchronous execution.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      supplier - The supplier.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      fallbackFunction - (Optional) In case of failure, execute this function.
      An instance of Future being executed asynchronously.
    • queueSupplier

      @Nonnull public static <T> CompletableFuture<T> queueSupplier(@Nonnull Supplier<T> supplier, @Nonnull ResilienceConfiguration configuration)
      Decorate an instance of a supplier function. Automatically schedule the asynchronous execution.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the call.
      supplier - The supplier.
      configuration - The configuration of the resilient call.
      An instance of Future being executed asynchronously.