ServiceBinding resources

Manage Cloud Foundry service bindings

Objects of type represent Cloud Foundry service bindings. For example, deploying the following descriptor will let the controller deploy a Cloud Foundry credentials binding for the service instanced managed through the ServiceInstance object referenced by spec.serviceInstanceName:

kind: ServiceBinding
  name: uaa
  namespace: demo
  serviceInstanceName: uaa

If the binding is successful, the controller will store the retrieved binding credentials in a Kubernetes secret in the namespace of the ServiceBinding object. By default, the secret will have the same name as the ServiceBinding, and the top-level keys of the credentials object will become secret keys. In the above example, the returned secret would look like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: uaa
  namespace: demo
type: Opaque
  clientid: sb-myAppName!t39788
  clientsecret: ***
  credential-type: instance-secret
  identityzone: mysubaccount
  identityzoneid: a48fa6e4-df75-4128-abdd-9400d01f3a18
  subaccountid: 56f1b3a2-dbc2-43b1-8bd9-61e0f8290c27
  tenantid: a48fa6e4-df75-4128-abdd-9400d01f3a18
  tenantmode: shared
  verificationkey: '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEArF3/FjAEJx3LTt+UgM65/5LwyHVYownXmOUriLcEO82PiEPFW2n4438VTj5JTvyk42VW5E97lPuXRuVaialRjVDGBmPC9PX8U4ljYYOL3Wgpkid/PkpNe4H/s/U51xJzGTd/XoyuPw64h4v9B71L7bSjOysD5WPzI32/dIHMI0QbZTX2foB8MZqHjhJmVGll2BlT+E7Q+fwQ6bFXL3Ge7fylPu2EgAhR8rnlvrO7hIGIsIGmbGhRmrp38vdIkFsIhanRgtjh2imPh9tBhsYGxUirgzQqnEWQTvE3QZtlfNJ5fK6rht1oO7orkALHzZ2/azBIAojPk4nNx9hEvoCaVwIDAQAB-----END
    PUBLIC KEY-----'
  xsappname: myAppName!t39788
  zoneid: a48fa6e4-df75-4128-abdd-9400d01f3a18

The name of the secret can be overridden by setting spec.secretName. Furthermore, it is possible to render the whole service credentials object into a single key of the target secret by specifying spec.secretKey.

Finally, if the binding requires parameters, those can be passed by setting spec.parameters and/or spec.parametersFrom; here the same logic applies as for ServiceInstance objects.

Updating parameters on the ServiceBinding object has no effect by default (because the Cloud Foundry API does not support such updates). However it is possible to enforce a recreation of the Cloud Foundry binding in that situation by setting the annotation "true".

In addition to this, setting the annotation "true" triggers a recreation of the Cloud Foundry binding whenever the referenced service instance changes (due to plan or instance parameter changes).

Recently, SAP published a specification to extend binding credentials by additional metadata, to leverage better Kubernetes support in the xsenv library. By default, cf-service-operator will not add these metadata (to remain backwards compatible), but there is a global controller flag --sap-binding-metadata that can be used to enhance all created binding secrets by default. In addition, the default behavior can be overridden on a per service binding basis by setting the annotation "true", or "false".

Last modified June 20, 2023: initial commit (a13f565)