
How to use cf-service-operator

cf-service-operator introduces the following resource types:

  • Space and ClusterSpace: used to represent or manage Cloud Foundry spaces at namespace or cluster level. A ServiceInstance object always references exactly one Space or ClusterSpace.

  • ServiceInstance: used to manage (create/update) a Cloud Foundry service instance. A ServiceInstance references a Space or ClusterSpace, the Cloud Foundry service offering/plan, and optionally defines service parameters.

  • ServiceBinding: used to manage (create/update) a Cloud Foundry service binding. A ServiceBinding references a ServiceInstance Object, and defines the Kubernetes secret used to store the retrieved service key. Optionally binding parameters can be specified.

Space resources

Define Cloud Foundry spaces on namespace level

ClusterSpace resources

Define Cloud Foundry spaces on cluster level

ServiceInstance resources

Manage Cloud Foundry service instances

ServiceBinding resources

Manage Cloud Foundry service bindings