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Detailed configuration of resources managed by CAP Operator

1 - CAPApplication

How to configure the CAPApplication resource

Here’s an example of a fully configured CAPApplication:

kind: CAPApplication
  name: cap-app
  namespace: cap-ns
      - class: xsuaa
        name: cap-uaa
        secret: cap-uaa-bind
      - class: saas-registry
        name: cap-saas-reg
        secret: cap-saas-reg-bind
      - class: service-manager
        name: cap-service-manager
        secret: cap-svc-man-bind
      - class: destination
        name: cap-destination
        secret: cap-bem-02-dest-bind
      - class: html5-apps-repo
        name: cap-html5-repo-host
        secret: cap-html5-repo-bind
      - class: html5-apps-repo
        name: cap-html5-repo-runtime
        secret: cap-html5-rt-bind
      - class: portal
        name: cap-portal
        secret: cap-portal-bind
      - class: business-logging
        name: cap-business-logging
        secret: cap-business-logging-bind
  btpAppName: cap-app
    istioIngressGatewayLabels: # <-- labels used to identify Load Balancer service used by Istio
      - name: app
        value: istio-ingressgateway
      - name: istio
        value: ingressgateway
  globalAccountId: 2dddd48d-b45f-45a5-b861-a80872a0c8a8
  provider: # <-- provider tenant details
    subDomain: cap-app-provider
    tenantId: 7a49218f-c750-4e1f-a248-7f1cefa13010

The overall list of SAP BTP service instances and respective Secrets (credentials) required by the application is specified as an array in These service instances are assumed to exist in the provider subaccount. Operators such as cf-service-operator or sap-btp-service-operator can be used to declaratively create these service instances and their credentials as Kubernetes resources.

The provider section specifies details of the provider subaccount linked to this application, while globalAccountId denotes the global account in which the provider subaccount is created. Within a global account, the btpAppName has to be unique as this is equivalent to XSAPPNAME, which is used in various SAP BTP service and application constructs.

The domains section provides details of where the application routes are exposed. Within a “Gardener” cluster, the primary application domain is a subdomain of the cluster domain, and “Gardener” cert-management will be used to request a wildcard TLS certificate for the primary domain. Additional secondary domains may also be specified (for example, for customer-specific domains) for the application.

NOTE: While the same secondary domain can technically be used across applications; the consumers need to ensure that the tenant sub-domains are unique across such applications that share the same domain!

istioIngressGatewayLabels are key-value pairs (string) used to identify the ingress controller component of Istio and the related load balancer service. These values are configured during the installation of Istio service mesh in the cluster.

2 - CAPApplicationVersion

How to configure the CAPApplicationVersion resource

The CAPApplicationVersion has the following high level structure:

kind: CAPApplicationVersion
  name: cav-cap-app-v1
  namespace: cap-ns
  version: 3.2.1 # <-- semantic version (must be unique within the versions of a CAP application)
  capApplicationInstance: cap-app
  registrySecrets: # <-- image pull secrets to be used in the workloads
    - regcred
  workloads: # <-- define deployments and jobs used for this application version
    - name: "cap-backend"
      deploymentDefinition: # ...
      consumedBTPServices: # ...
    - name: "app-router"
      deploymentDefinition: # ...
      consumedBTPServices: # ...
    - name: "service-content"
      jobDefinition: # ...
      consumedBTPServices: # ...
    - name: "tenant-operation"
      jobDefinition: # ...
      consumedBTPServices: # ...
  tenantOperations: # ... <-- (optional)
  • An instance of CAPApplicationVersion is always related to an instance of CAPApplication in the same namespace. This reference is established using the attribute capApplicationInstance.
  • An array of workloads (workloads) must be defined that include the various software components of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model application. A deployment representing the CAP application server or a job that which is used for tenant operations are examples of such workloads. A workload must have either a deploymentDefinition or a jobDefinition. See the next section for more details.
  • An optional attribute tenantOperations can be used to define a sequence of steps (jobs) to be executed during tenant operations (provisioning / upgrade / deprovisioning).

The CAPApplicationVersion resource is meant to be immutable - it’s spec should not be modified once it is deployed. This is also prevented by our web-hooks which we recommend to always keep active (default).

Workloads with deploymentDefinition

name: cap-backend
consumedBTPServices: # <-- an array of service instance names referencing the SAP BTP services defined in the CAPApplication resource
  - cap-uaa
  - cap-saas-reg
  type: CAP # <-- possible values are CAP / Router / Additional
  image: # <-- container image
  env: # <-- (optional) same as in core v1 pod.spec.containers.env
    - name: SAY
      value: "I'm GROOT"
  replicas: 3 # <-- (optional) replicas for scaling
    - name: app-port
      port: 4004
      routerDestinationName: cap-server-url
    - name: tech-port
      port: 4005
      port: tech--port
      expression: scalar(sum(avg_over_time(current_sessions{job="cav-cap-app-v1-cap-backend-svc",namespace="cap-ns"}[2h]))) <= bool 5

The type of the deployment is important to indicate how the operator handles this workload (for example, injection of destinations to be used by the approuter). Valid values are:

  • CAP to indicate a CAP application server. Only one workload of this type can be used at present.
  • Router to indicate a version of AppRouter. Only one workload of this type can be used.
  • Additional to indicate supporting components that can be deployed along with the CAP application server.

You can define optional attributes such as replicas, env, resources, probes, securityContext, initContainers and ports to configure the deployment.

Port configuration

It’s possible to define which (and how many) ports exposed by a deployment container are exposed inside the cluster (via services of type ClusterIP). The port definition includes a name in addition to the port number being exposed.

For deploymentDefinition, other than type Router it would be possible to specify a routerDestinationName which would be used as a named destination injected into the approuter.

The port configurations aren’t mandatory and can be omitted. This would mean that the operator will configure services using defaults. The following defaults are applied if port configuration is omitted:

  • For workload of type CAP, the default port used by CAP, 4004, will be added to the service and a destination with name srv-api will be added to the approuter referring to this service port (any existing destinations environment configuration for this workload will be taken over by overwriting the URL).
  • For workload of type Router, the port 5000 will be exposed in the service. This service will be used as the target for HTTP traffic reaching the application domain (domains are specified within the CAPApplication resource).

NOTE: If multiple ports are configured for a workload of type Router, the first available port will be used to target external traffic to the application domain.

Monitoring configuration

For each workload of type deployment in a CAPApplicationVersion, it is possible to define:

  1. Deletion rules: A criteria based on metrics which when satisfied signifies that the workload can be removed
  2. Scrape configuration: Configuration which defines how metrics are scraped from the workload service.

Details of how to configure workload monitoring can be found here.

Workloads with jobDefinition

  # ... deployment workloads have been omitted in this example
  - name: "content-deployer"
    consumedServices: # ...
      type: Content
  - name: "tenant-operation"
    consumedServices: # ...
      type: TenantOperation
      backoffLimit: 2 # <-- determines retry attempts for the job on failure (default is 6)
      ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 300 # <-- the job will be cleaned up after this duration
        - name: CDS_ENV
          value: production
          value: '{"provisioning_parameters": { "database_id": "16e25c51-5455-4b17-a4d7-43545345345"}}'
  - name: "notify-upgrade"
    consumedServices: # ...
      type: CustomTenantOperation
      image: # ...
      command: ["npm", "run", "notify:upgrade"] # <-- custom entry point for the container allows reuse of a container image with multiple entry points
      backoffLimit: 1
  - name: "create-test-data"
    consumedServices: # ...
      type: CustomTenantOperation
      image: # ...
      command: ["npm", "run ", "deploy:testdata"]

Workloads with a jobDefinition represent a job execution at a particular point in the lifecycle of the application or tenant. The following values are allowed for type in such workloads:

  • Content: A content deployer job that can be used to deploy (SAP BTP) service specific content from the application version. This job is executed as soon as a new CAPApplicationVersion resource is created in the cluster. Multiple workloads of this type may be defined in the CAPApplicationVersion and the order in which they are executed can be specified via ContentJobs.
  • TenantOperation: A job executed during provisioning, upgrade, or deprovisioning of a tenant (CAPTenant). These jobs are controlled by the operator and use the cds/mtxs APIs to perform HDI content deployment by default. If a workload of type TenantOperation isn’t provided as part of the CAPApplicationVersion, the workload with deploymentDefinition of type CAP will be used to determine the jobDefinition (image, env, etc.). Also, if cds/mtxs APIs are used, command can be used by applications to trigger tenant operations with custom command.
  • CustomTenantOperation: An optional job which runs before or after the TenantOperation where the application can perform tenant-specific tasks (for example, create test data).

Sequencing tenant operations

A tenant operation refers to provisioning, upgrade or deprovisioning which are executed in the context of a CAP application for individual tenants (i.e. using the cds/mtxs or similar modules provided by CAP). Within the workloads, we have already defined two types of jobs that are valid for such operations, namely TenantOperation and CustomTenantOperation.

The TenantOperation is mandatory for all tenant operations.

In addition, you can choose which CustomTenantOperation jobs run for a specific operation and in which order. For example, a CustomTenantOperation deploying test data to the tenant database schema would need to run during provisioning, but must not run during deprovisioning.

The field tenantOperations specifies which jobs are executed during the different tenant operations and the order they are executed in.

  workloads: # ...
      - workloadName: "tenant-operation"
      - workloadName: "create-test-data"
      - workloadName: "notify-upgrade"
        continueOnFailure: true # <-- indicates the overall operation may proceed even if this step fails
      - workloadName: "tenant-operation"
      - workloadName: "create-test-data"
    # <-- as the deprovisioning steps are not specified, only the `TenantOperation` workload (first available) will be executed

In the example above, for each tenant operation, not only are the valid jobs (steps) specified, but also the order in which they are to be executed. Each step in an operation is defined with:

  • workloadNamerefers to the job workload executed in this operation step
  • continueOnFailure is valid only for CustomTenantOperation steps and indicates whether the overall tenant operation can proceed when this operation step fails.


  • Specifying tenantOperations is required only if CustomTenantOperations are to be used. If not specified, each operation will comprise of only the TenantOperation step (the first one available from workloads).
  • The tenantOperations and specified sequencing are valid only for tenants provisioned (or deprovisioned) on the corresponding CAPApplicationVersion and for tenants being upgraded to this CAPApplicationVersion.

Sequencing content jobs

When you create a CAPApplicationVersion workload, you can define multiple content jobs. The order in which these jobs are executed is important, as some jobs may depend on the output of others. The ContentJobs property allows you to specify the order in which content jobs are executed.

  workloads: # ...
  tenantOperations: # ...
    - content-deployer-service
    - content-deployer-ui

Full Example

kind: CAPApplicationVersion
  name: cav-cap-app-v1
  namespace: cap-ns
  version: 3.2.1
  capApplicationInstance: cap-app
    - regcred
    - name: cap-backend
        - cap-uaa
        - cap-service-manager
        - cap-saas-reg
        type: CAP
          - name: CDS_ENV
            value: production
            value: '{"provisioning_parameters": { "database_id": "16e25c51-5455-4b17-a4d7-43545345345"}}'
        replicas: 3
          - name: app-port
            port: 4004
            routerDestinationName: cap-server-url
          - name: tech-port
            port: 4005
            appProtocol: grpc
            port: tech--port
            expression: scalar(sum(avg_over_time(current_sessions{job="cav-cap-app-v1-cap-backend-svc",namespace="cap-ns"}[2h]))) <= bool 5
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /
            port: 4005
          initialDelaySeconds: 20
          periodSeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 2
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /
            port: 4005
          initialDelaySeconds: 20
          periodSeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 2
            cpu: 200m
            memory: 500Mi
            cpu: 20m
            memory: 50Mi
          runAsUser: 1000
          runAsGroup: 2000
    - name: "app-router"
        - cap-uaa
        - cap-saas-reg
        - cap-html5-repo-rt
        type: Router
          - name: PORT
            value: "3000"
          - name: router-port
            port: 3000
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /
            port: 3000
          initialDelaySeconds: 20
          periodSeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 2
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /
            port: 3000
          initialDelaySeconds: 20
          periodSeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 2
            cpu: 200m
            memory: 500Mi
            cpu: 20m
            memory: 50Mi
          runAsUser: 2000
          fsGroup: 2000
    - name: "service-content"
        - cap-uaa
        - cap-portal
        - cap-html5-repo-host
        type: Content
          runAsUser: 1000
          runAsGroup: 2000
    - name: "ui-content"
        - cap-uaa
        - cap-portal
        - cap-html5-repo-host
        type: Content
          runAsUser: 1000
          runAsGroup: 2000
    - name: "tenant-operation"
      consumedServices: # ...
        type: TenantOperation
        backoffLimit: 2
        ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 300
          - name: CDS_ENV
            value: production
            value: '{"provisioning_parameters": { "database_id": "16e25c51-5455-4b17-a4d7-43545345345"}}'
    - name: "notify-upgrade"
      consumedServices: []
        type: CustomTenantOperation
        command: ["npm", "run", "notify:upgrade"]
        backoffLimit: 1
    - name: "create-test-data"
        - cap-service-manager
        type: CustomTenantOperation
        command: ["npm", "run ", "deploy:testdata"]
      - workloadName: "tenant-operation"
      - workloadName: "create-test-data"
      - workloadName: "notify-upgrade"
        continueOnFailure: true
      - workloadName: "tenant-operation"
      - workloadName: "create-test-data"
    - service-content
    - ui-content

NOTE: The CAP Operator workloads supports several configurations (present in the kubernetes API), which can be configured by looking into our API reference:

The supported configurations is kept minimal intentionally to keep the overall API simple by considering commonly used configurations.

Note: For initContainers nearly the same environment variables as the main container are made available including VCAP_SERVICES environment.

3 - CAPTenant

How to configure the CAPTenant resource

The CAPTenant resource indicates the existence of a tenant in the related application (or one that is current being provisioned). The resource starts with a Provisioning state and moves to Ready when successfully provisioned. Managing tenants as Kubernetes resources allows you not only to control the lifecycle of the entity, but also allows you to control other requirements that must be fulfilled for the application to serve tenant-specific requests (for example, creating of networking resources).

kind: CAPTenant
  name: cap-app-consumer-ge455
  namespace: cap-ns
  capApplicationInstance: cap-app
  subDomain: consumer-x
  tenantId: cb46733-1279-48be-fdf434-aa2bae55d7b5
  version: "1"
  versionUpgradeStrategy: always

The specification contains attributes relevant for SAP BTP, which identifies a tenant such as tenantId and subDomain.

The version field corresponds to the CAPApplicationVersion on which the tenant is provisioned or was upgraded. When a newer CAPApplicationVersion is available, the operator automatically increments the tenant version, which triggers the upgrade process. The versionUpgradeStrategy is by default always, but can be set to never in exceptional cases to prevent an automatic upgrade of the tenant.

4 - CAPTenantOperation

How to configure the CAPTenantOperation resource
kind: CAPTenantOperation
  name: cap-app-consumer-ge455-77kb9
  namespace: cap-ns
  capApplicationVersionInstance: cav-cap-app-v2
  operation: upgrade
    - continueOnFailure: true
      name: tenant-operation
      type: CustomTenantOperation
    - name: tenant-operation
      type: TenantOperation
    - name: create-test-data
      type: CustomTenantOperation
  subDomain: consumer-x
  tenantId: cb46733-1279-48be-fdf434-aa2bae55d7b5

The example above shows a CAPTenantOperation created to execute an upgrade operation on a tenant. In addition to tenant details, the CAPApplicationVersion to be used for the operation is specified. In case of upgrade or a provisioning operation, this would be the target CAPApplicationVersion whereas for deprovisioning, it would be the current CAPApplicationVersion of the tenant.

The operation is completed by executing a series of steps (jobs) which are specified in or derived from the CAPApplicationVersion. Each step refers to a workload of type TenantOperation or CustomTenantOperation. When CAPTenantOperation is created by CAP Pperator, there must be at least one step of type TenantOperation (which is the job used for the database schema update using CAP provided modules).

CustomTenantOperation jobs are hooks provided to the application, which can be executed before or after the actual TenantOperation. For applications to be able to identify the context of an execution, each job is injected with the following environment variables:

  • CAPOP_APP_VERSION: The (semantic) version from the relevant CAPApplicationVersion
  • CAPOP_TENANT_ID: Tenant identifier of the tenant for which the operation is executed
  • CAPOP_TENANT_OPERATION: The type of operation - provisioning, deprovisioning, or upgrade
  • CAPOP_TENANT_SUBDOMAIN: Subdomain (from subaccount) belonging to the tenant for which the operation is executed
  • CAPOP_TENANT_TYPE: The type of tenant - provider or consumer
  • CAPOP_APP_NAME: The BTP App Name from the corresponding CAPApplication configuration
  • CAPOP_GLOBAL_ACCOUNT_ID: The Global Account Identifier from the corresponding CAPApplication configuration
  • CAPOP_PROVIDER_TENANT_ID: The provider tenant identifier from the corresponding CAPApplication configuration
  • CAPOP_PROVIDER_SUBDOMAIN: The provider tenant subdomain from the corresponding CAPApplication configuration

Note that all of the above environment variables are also made available on the corresponding initContainers (along with other relevant VCAP_SERVICES credentials)

5 - CAPTenantOutput

How to configure the CAPTenantOutput resource

The CAPTenantOutput may be used to add additional data to the asynchronous callback parameters from the SaaS provisioning service during tenant onboarding. The resource is not reconciled but just consumed by the subscription server to generate additional data. It has the following structure:

kind: CAPTenantOutput
  name: cap-app-consumer-output
  namespace: cap-ns
  labels: cb46733-1279-48be-fdf434-aa2bae55d7b5
  subscriptionCallbackData: '{foo: bar}'

The example above shows an instance of the resource that is associated with a tenant via the label (which must be set by consumers).