
Common issues and how to solve them

Usage of @sap/cds-mtxs library for multitenancy

The CAP Operator utilizes the @sap/cds-mtxs library. Prior to version 0.7.0 one could disable this by setting the IS_MTXS_ENABLED environment variable to “false” in the TenantOperation workload, in which case the old @sap/cds-mtx library-based wrapper job was used instead. However, this is no longer supported and is removed as support for older CDS version (v6) has ended.

CAP Operator supports the usage of @sap/cds-mtxs (which replaces the former @sap/cds-mtx library) from the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model by default.

This enables us to use built-in (into @sap/cds-mtxs) CLI-based handling for tenant operations during provisioning, deprovisioning, and upgrading tenants.

As of now, for the usage of this new library, you (depending on your k8s cluster hardening setup) need to add additional securityContext for the TenantOperation and also CAP workloads as shown in the sample below.

 - name: tenant-job
    - "{{ include "xsuaaInstance" . }}"
    - "{{ include "serviceManagerInstance" . }}"
    - "{{ include "saasRegistryInstance" . }}"
      type: TenantOperation
      - name: CDS_ENV
        value: production
        value: '{ "provisioning_parameters": { "database_id": "16e25c51-5455-4b17-a4d7-43545345345" } }'
      image: ""
      securityContext: # needed until CAP resolves issue with folder creation in the root dir of the app container at runtime
        runAsUser: 1000

Secret/credential handling for different workloads of the CAP Operator

Libraries like xsenv/cds(CAP) handle credentials differently in different environments (CF, K8s) and on K8s when using credential data directly from secrets, any JSON data type information related to the data values may get lost and lead to inconsistencies.

This issue is now addressed by the SAP Service Binding Specification, which mandates the addition of metadata to these secrets. Both btp-service-operator and cf-service-operator supports the addition of metadata. But, in case this feature is not used in your clusters, CAP Operator avoids inconsistencies by creating VCAP_SERVICES environment variable across all workloads and expects all SAP BTP services credentials to be available in Kubernetes Secrets under a key credentials.

This can be achieved using the secretKey property for a ServiceBinding created using btp-service-operator or cf-service-operator, for example:

kind: ServiceBinding
  name: uaa
  namespace: demo
  serviceInstanceName: uaa
  name: app-uaa
  secretKey: credentials

We recommend that you use secretKey, even when credential metadata is available to reduce the overhead of interpreting parsing multiple JSON attributes.

HTTP requests reaching the AppRouter are not getting forwarded to the application server (pods)

The Approuter component maps incoming requests to destinations (applications or services) that have been configured. If you’re using an xs-app.json file with your Approuter to specify route mapping to various destinations, ensure that the destinationName property for the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model back end is specified in the corresponding CAPApplicationVersion configuration. CAP Operator will inject this destination to the Approuter pods (via environment variables).

HTTP Requests Timing Out in the Approuter for Long-Running Operations in Back End Workload

If your back-end service is known to take a long time, configure the destinations environment variable on the Approuter component to set the desired timeout configuration for that destination (destinationName). CAP Operator will overwrite the URL part of that destination to point to the right workload, the remaining settings are taken over exactly as configured.

Supported Approuter Version

Use @sap/approuter version 14.x.x (or higher).

CAP Operator Resources Can’t Be Deleted in the K8S Cluster/Namespace

All custom resource objects (CROs) created by CAP Operator are protected with finalizers to ensure a proper cleanup takes place. For instance, when deleting a CAPApplication CRO, any existing tenants would be deprovisioned automatically to avoid inconsistenties. Once the deprovisioning is successful, the corresponding CROs would be removed automatically. The provider CAPTenant resource can’t be deleted before deleting a consistent CAPApplication. NOTE: CAP operator needs the secrets from service instances/bindings to exist for the entire lifecycle of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model application. Removing the service instances/bindings i.e. the secrets from the cluster while the CAP application related CROs still exist would cause leftover resources in cluster (and perhaps the db). Recovering from such inconsistent states might not even be possible. Such a situation can easily arise when using helm delete/uninstall as the order of deletion of resouces is not configurable. We recommend that you do this with care. It’s important that you ensure that the secrets from service instance/bindings aren’t deleted before any SAP Cloud Application Programming Model application that consumes those secrets is completely removed.