Using Helm

How to deploy with Helm charts

To install CAP operator components, we recommend using the Helm chart that is published as an OCI package at oci://


Create a namespace and install the Helm chart in that namespace by specifying the domain and the dnsTarget for your subscription server, either

  • As command line parameters:

    kubectl create namespace cap-operator-system
    helm upgrade -i -n cap-operator-system cap-operator oci:// --set subscriptionServer.domain=cap-operator.<CLUSTER-DOMAIN> --set subscriptionServer.dnsTarget=public-ingress.<CLUSTER-DOMAIN>
  • Or as a YAML file with the values:

    kubectl create namespace cap-operator-system
    helm upgrade -i -n cap-operator-system cap-operator oci:// -f my-cap-operator-values.yaml

    In this example, the provided values file, my-cap-operator-values.yaml, can have the following content:

      dnsTarget: public-ingress.<CLUSTER-DOMAIN>
      domain: cap-operator.<CLUSTER-DOMAIN>   

(Optional) Setup Prometheus Integration for Version Monitoring

To use the Version Monitoring feature of the CAP Operator, a Prometheus server URL can be provided to the CAP Operator. When installing the CAP Operator using the Helm chart, the following values can be specified in the values:

    prometheusAddress: "http://prometheus-operated.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090" # <-- example of a Prometheus server running inside the same cluster
    promClientAcquireRetryDelay: "2h"
    metricsEvaluationInterval: "30m" # <-- duration after which version metrics are evaluated

When the controller is started, the operator will try to connect to the Prometheus server and fetch runtime information to verify the connection. If the connection is not successful, it will be retried after the duration specified as controller.versionMonitoring.promClientAcquireRetryDelay. Check default values for these attributes here.

Helm Values

Discover all values supported by the latest CAP Operator helm chart