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CAP Operator Manager

CAP Operator Manager is an operator based on Kyma lifecycle manager to install the CAP Operator. This operator uses component-operator-runtime framework to manage it’s lifecycle.


1 - Installation

How to install CAP Operator using CAP Operator Manager

This page provides an overview of available methods to install the CAP Operator on a Kubernetes cluster using CAP Operator Manager.

1.1 - Kyma Cluster

How to install CAP Operator in a Kyma cluster

The CAP Operator is available in both fast and regular release channels.

To enable the CAP Operator module in your Kyma cluster, refer to Add and Delete a Kyma Module.

1.2 - Local Cluster

How to install CAP Operator using CAP Operator Manager in a local cluster

Install CAP Operator Manager

To install the latest version of CAP Operator Manager, please execute the following command:

kubectl apply -f

This would create a namespace cap-operator-system with CAP Operator Manager installed.


Install CAP Operator using CAP Operator Manager

Once the CAP Operator Manager is running, you can install the CAP operator by executing the following command:

kubectl apply -n cap-operator-system -f

This would work only if the ingressGatewayLabels in your clusters match the following values:

    - name: istio
      value: ingressgateway
    - name: app
      value: istio-ingressgateway

If not, you must manually create the CAPOperator resource by applying the below yaml to the cap-operator-system namespace after filling in the ingressGatewayLabels values from your cluster.

kind: CAPOperator
  name: cap-operator
    subDomain: cap-op
    - name: <<--Label Name-->>
      value: <<--Label Value-->>
    - name: <<--Label Name-->>
      value: <<--Label Value-->>

Once the CAPOperator resource is created, the CAP Operator Manager will start installing the CAP Operator in the namespace. Once the resource is ready, you can see the CAP Operator Pods running in the namespace.


CAP Operator Pods:


2 - Resources

How to configure the CAP Operator Manager resources

CAP Operator Manager uses resource CAPOperator to install the CAP Operator. The CAPOperator resource has the following attributes -

  • subscriptionServer.subDomain string - Subdomain of the CAP Operator subscription Server
  • subscriptionServer.certificateManager string - Certificate manager which can be set to either Gardener or CertManager, with the default value being Gardener
  • subscriptionServer.certificateConfig.gardener - Configuration for Gardener certificates, applicable only if subscriptionServer.certificateManager is set to Gardener. This allows you to specify the issuerName and issuerNamespace.
  • subscriptionServer.certificateConfig.certManager - Configuration for CertManager certificates, applicable only if subscriptionServer.certificateManager is set to CertManager. This allows you to specify the issuerGroup, issuerKind and issuerName.
  • dnsTarget string - Public ingress URL for the cluster Load Balancer
  • ingressGatewayLabels - Labels used to identify the istio ingress-gateway component and its corresponding namespace. Usually {“app”:“istio-ingressgateway”,“istio”:“ingressgateway”}
  • controller.detailedOperationalMetrics bool - Optionally enable detailed opertational metrics for the controller by setting this to true
  • controller.versionMonitoring.prometheusAddress string - URL of the Prometheus server from which metrics related to managed application versions can be queried
  • controller.versionMonitoring.metricsEvaluationInterval - The duration (example 2h) after which versions are evaluated for deletion; based on specified workload metrics
  • controller.versionMonitoring.promClientAcquireRetryDelay - The duration (example 10m) to wait before retrying to acquire Prometheus client and verify connection, after a failed attempt
  • controller.volumes - Optionally specify list of additional volumes for the controller pod(s)
  • controller.volumeMounts - Optionally specify list of additional volumeMounts for the controller container(s)
  • monitoring.enabled bool - Optionally enable Prometheus monitoring for all components
  • webhook.certificateManager string - Certificate manager which can be set to either Default or CertManager, with the default value being Default
  • webhook.certificateConfig.certManager - Configuration for CertManager certificates, applicable only if webhook.certificateManager is set to CertManager. This allows you to specify the issuerGroup, issuerKind and issuerName.

The below example shows a fully configured CAPOperator resource:

kind: CAPOperator
  name: cap-operator
    subDomain: cap-op
    certificateManager: Gardener
        issuerName: "gardener-issuer-name"
        issuerNamespace: "gardener-issuer-namespace"
    - name: istio
      value: ingressgateway
    - name: app
      value: istio-ingressgateway
    enabled: true
    detailedOperationalMetrics: true
      prometheusAddress: "http://prometheus-operated.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090" # <-- example of a Prometheus server running inside the same cluster
      promClientAcquireRetryDelay: "2h"
      metricsEvaluationInterval: "30m"
    certificateManager: CertManager
        issuerGroup: "certManager-issuer-group"
        issuerKind: "certManager-issuer-kind"
        issuerName: "certManager-issuer-name"

Here, we will automatically determine the cluster shoot domain and install the CAP Operator by setting the subscription server domain and the DNS Target. The DNS target is derived using the ingressGatewayLabels. For the above example, if the determined the cluster shoot domain is, then the domain will be set as by default.

Note: The length of the domain should be less than 64 characters. Depending up on your cluster shoot domain, please choose a length appropriate subdomain.

The user can also maintain the DNS Target manually. In such cases, we will take over the value as it is. The user can maintain the DNS Target as shown below:

kind: CAPOperator
  name: cap-operator
    subDomain: cap-op

3 - Support

How to get support and how to reach out


To report a bug, please create an issue.

See anything missing? Please let us know or raise a PR.

Communication Channels

Reach out to the project team and the project community via the following communication channels: